Saturday, April 09, 2011


請將此信轉寄給你生命中所有的女人:母親、女兒、姊妹、伯母阿姨以及朋 友。一種罕見的新種乳癌於十一月被發現。一名女士的乳房如同哺乳中的婦人般起了濕疹。


之後整整一年的時間,她過著最充實的生活,然而這批頑強的癌細胞竟轉移到肝臟!四個療程之後她決定捨棄有著續多副作用的化療,找回生活品質。她詳細的計畫最後五個月所有的生活細節,最後的幾天在嗎啡的麻醉效果下,安祥的走了。她在臨死前留下了這封 訊息,希望轉達給所有的女性朋友們!


乳 房外柏哲氏病:這是一種罕見的癌前病變,以濕疹型態發生於乳頭及乳暈上。濕疹後來會形成一片邊緣有硬皮的傷口。我不曾懷疑這可能是癌症,但癌症找到了我。 我的乳房並沒有任何異狀,我看醫師唯一的理由是因為這偶爾會發癢、疼痛,十分惱人又醜陋的濕疹。 家庭 醫師開給我的任何乳膏都無法除去它; 皮膚科 醫師先前給 我的眼周皮膚病藥物也無法治好它? C讓似乎讓人感到不安,但無法使我聯想到癌症的到來。

我懷疑許多的女性朋友們都不知道乳暈及乳頭上的濕疹可能象徵乳癌。 ( 我一開始的症狀僅是乳頭上冒出一個小痘子 )。  柏哲氏病之所以可怕的理由之一,就是因為:乳頭上那似乎無害的細菌感染或是發炎,卻在延誤就醫後一發不可收拾。

1. 乳頭有持續的紅腫、不明分泌物以及導致搔癢及灼熱感的硬皮剝落。  ( 我一開始的時候除了一邊乳房有硬皮剝落外,沒有其他症狀)。
2. 乳頭上有無法癒合的傷口。  ( 我當初的傷口分布在乳暈,乳頭中央並且有白色濃稠分泌物 )。
3. 通常只有一邊乳房被感染。這怎麼判斷呢?您的醫師會在觸壓檢查以後,建議您立刻做兩個乳房的X光攝影。因為正常皮膚炎的症狀為紅腫、硬皮剝落以及不明分泌物,所以醫師只有在症狀僅產生於單一乳房時,才會懷疑癌症的可能性。屆時進行發炎部位的病理切片,就能找出病因。


我的乳癌在無數化療、28個療程的放射線物理治療以及持續服用抗雌激素後,依舊轉移到骨隨。如果能早點診斷出乳癌,說不定就不會發生這種事情了 …。



Sunday, April 03, 2011

Eyesight Treatment 20-20-20

Step I : After every 20 minutes of  staring at the computer screen, turn your head and try to look at any object placed at least 20 feet away. This changes the focal length of your eye, a must-do for the tired eye.

Step II : Blink your eyes for 20 times in succession, it helps to moist your eyes.

Step III :  One should walk 20 paces after every 20 minutes of sitting in one particular posture. It helps blood circulation for the entire body.

Saturday, April 02, 2011

Car cabin air pollution

Please do NOT turn on air-condition as soon as you enter the car.

According to a research, the car dashboard, sofa, air freshener emit Benzene, a cancer causing toxin (carcinogen - take time to observe the smell of heated plastic in your car).

In addition to causing cancer, Benzene poisons your bones, causes anemia and reduces white blood cells.
Prolonged exposure will cause Leukemia, increasing the risk of cancer. It will also cause miscarriage.

Acceptable Benzene level indoors is 50mg per sq.ft. A car parked indoors with windows closed will contain 400-800 mg of Benzene.

If parked outdoors under the sun at a temperature above 60 degrees F, the Benzene level goes up to 2000-4000 mg, 40 times the acceptable level.

People who get into the car, keeping windows closed will inevitably inhale, in quick succession, excessive amounts of the toxin.

Benzene is a toxin that affects your kidney and liver.. What's worse, it is extremely difficult for your body to expel this toxic stuff.

Please open the windows and door of your car,  give time for interior to air out, dispel the deadly toxin before you enter.


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