Friday, December 18, 2009

Squat Toilet vs Sit-down Toilet (Sanitary)

It has been an issue to find a clean toilet for ladies who need to attend to the nature's call especially in suburban area. The scenario has become worsen as the modern public washrooms are installed with sit-down toilets instead of the old days squat toilets.

Personally, I found that the squat toilets are more sanitary than their seated counterparts as the buttocks need not come into actual contact with the toilet and may aid in preventing hemorrhoids and other diseases.

No doubt that sit-down toilet is more comfortable and is more suitable for the old folks as compared to the squat toilet.

In Malaysia, you can easily find that most of the toilet seats at public washrooms are splashed with urine (yellow stained) and some users even squat on it. With these facts, I believe it is a need for the related authorities to installed both sit-down toilets and squat toilets in public restrooms.

What do you think? Please response to the poll at the sidebar entitled "Squat Toilet or Sit-down Toilet", who knows if the poll result can help in convincing the related authorities to restore the squat toilets for public convenience.

Sunday, December 06, 2009




如 果我們不願意找出疲勞的原因,抱著逃避的心態,用一天數杯咖啡不斷讓腦袋清醒,將會導致失眠、腎臟病變、骨質疏鬆和膀胱癌等後果。 所以當身體再次發出警告的訊號如頭痛、頭暈、耳鳴、眼皮跳、關節疼痛、胸痛、背痛、胃酸倒流等,請不要忽略它,要找出原因,嘗試吃對的食物,並認真執 行,約三到四個月後,這些症狀都將消失並被根治。



我們身體內有一副完整的防衛武器──免疫系統,會將外侵的細菌、病毒、黴菌等,將 以阻擋、消滅;而精密的自癒系統則能修補和治癒一切病痛。例如感冒時,吃下的感冒藥雖然會將入侵的感冒細菌消滅,讓免疫系統不用全體動員就打贏勝仗,但如此一來,免疫系統的軍隊就無法得到完整的作戰經驗,這將使得敵軍有機可乘,輕易的越過防線,入侵我們的身體。







血型與人體的免疫和自癒系統可說息息相關。根據醫學統計證實,血型和疾病間,有著密不可分的關聯。 A 型血型應避免食用奶製品和肉類; O 型血型不建議長期吃素;B型血型不適合吃雞肉;AB型血型盡量避免吃雞肉、牛肉。











2001年哈佛大學發表11年的追蹤報告卻指出,每天食用超過 2.5份乳製品(一份=240c.c.牛奶),比每天食用少於或等於0.5份乳製品的人,多上34%罹患攝護腺癌的機會。

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Stroke (Blood Clots)- The Fourth Indicator- Tongue

Stroke Identification

During a BBQ, a friend stumbled and took a little fall - she assured everyone that she was fine (they offered to call paramedics). She said she had just tripped over a brick because of her new shoes.

They got her cleaned up and got her a new plate of food. While she appeared a bit shaken up, Ingrid went about enjoying herself the rest of the evening

Ingrid's husband called later telling everyone that his wife had been taken to the hospital - (at 6:00 pm Ingrid passed away.) She had suffered a stroke at the BBQ. Had they known how to identify the signs of a stroke, perhaps Ingrid would be with us today. Some don't die. they end up in a helpless, hopeless condition instead.

It only takes a minute to read this...

A neurologist says that if he can get to a stroke victim within 3 hours he can totally reverse the effects of a stroke...totally. He said the trick was getting a stroke recognized, diagnosed, and then getting the patient medically cared for within 3 hours, which is tough.

Recognizing a Stroke

Sometimes symptoms of a stroke are difficult to identify. Unfortunately, the lack of awareness spells disaster. The stroke victim may suffer severe brain damage when people nearby fail to recognize the symptoms of a stroke.

Now doctors say a bystander can recognize a stroke by asking three simple questions:

S *Ask the individual to SMILE.
T *Ask the person to TALK and SPEAK A SIMPLE SENTENCE (Coherently)
(e. g. It is sunny out today)
R *Ask him or her to RAISE BOTH ARMS.

If he or she has trouble with ANY ONE of these tasks, call emergency number immediately and describe the symptoms to the dispatcher.

New Sign of a Stroke- Stick out Your Tongue

NOTE: Another 'sign' of a stroke is this: Ask the person to 'stick' out his tongue.. If the tongue is 'crooked', if it goes to one side or the other,that is also an indication of a stroke.

A cardiologist says if everyone who gets this information sends it to 10 people; you can bet that at least one life will be saved.

I have done my part. Have you?

Saturday, October 10, 2009

Eating fruits the correct way

We all know that eating fruits is good for health but knowing when and how to eat it will benefit us more.

Fruits should be taken in an empty stomach, not as desserts after meal. This way, the fruits eaten will play a major role to detoxify our system, supplying us with a great deal of energy for weight loss and other activities.

If you eat two slices of bread and then a slice of fruit, the fruit will digest faster than the bread and is ready to go straight through the stomach into intestines but the passage is blocked by the bread, which is harder to digest.

While this happens, the whole meal ferments and turns to acid. Consequently when the fruit comes into contact with the food in the stomach and digestive juice, the entire mass of food begins to spoil.

Sunday, September 13, 2009



一、 防治癌症,抑制癌細胞生長
二、 防治肝臟病、腎臟病、胰臟病、胃潰瘍。
三、 防治非典型肺炎、心臟病、高血壓。
四、 恢復體力,增強體質,提高免疫和自癒能力。
五、 恢復眼睛疲勝,消除眼睛乾燥,令雙眼亮麗。
六、 治癒腰痛、肩膀痛、膝痛。
七、 排除體內毒素,美容顏潤皮膚、治肥胖。
八、 根治便秘,痔瘡,根治口臭、胃酸、減低月經痛。


每個各重約 一百五 十 克 至 二百克 。


必須天天飲用不間斷,輕症三週見效。重症 三個月見效。

一、 二十年口臭頑疾根治

二 肺癌得以控制

三、 肝炎、花粉症、濕疹
就毫不猶豫隨即把馬鈴薯配合蘋果一起 榨成鮮果汁,如此更可口易喝,她把鮮汁視為「生命之水」,一回氣就全部喝完了。
除了肝 炎顯著改善之外,還有二件值得慶幸的意外收穫:
今年卻 一次也沒有。
這都是飲馬鈴薯鮮汁的功效,體質獲得改善,身體的自癒能力增強承致, 須女士現在心情非常愉快。

四、 四十年白眼球赤熱,三個月根治


五、 肝硬化,居然有救
高女士五十九歲,患肝硬化,食道靜脈瘤破裂,大量吐血,皮膚 黃 疸,臉和手腳浮腫,終日昏昏睡夢中,多次入院施手術,亦曾經嘗試各種療法和健康食品,但因肝臟太差,承以總是無效。突然在一個契機經朋友介紹,聽到馬鈴薯鮮汁對治癌症有很好效果,於是立刻動手做馬鈴薯鮮汁。

Monday, August 24, 2009


藥罐內乾燥劑, 開罐後就該丟了






根據美國國家藥典 USP)規定,藥品一旦開罐,罐內所附的棉花和乾燥劑,就必須立刻丟棄,否則它們會因吸附水氣,成為藥罐內的一項汙染源!

Saturday, July 18, 2009

Mammograms vs Thermography

Is it any wonder that nowadays more and more women globally are having Breast Cancer. The coincidence is, more and more organisations, doctors and government hospitals are pushing women to go for mammograms.

Please be aware of the consequences of Mammograms

Well for starters mammograms expose your body to radiation that can be 1,000 times greater than that from a chest x-ray,which poses risks of cancer. Mammography also compresses your breasts tightly, and often painfully, which could lead to a lethal spread of cancerous cells, should they exist.

"The premenopausal breast is highly sensitive to radiation, each 1 radiation exposure increasing
breast cancer risk by about 1 percent, with a cumulative 10 percent increased risk for each breast over a decade's screening," points out Dr. Samuel Epstein, one of the top cancer experts.

Dr. Epstein, M.D., professor emeritus of Environmental and Occupational Medicine at theUniversity of Illinois School of Public Health , and chairman of the Cancer Prevention Coalition,has been speaking out about the risks of mammography since at least 1992.

As for how these misguided mammography guidelines came about, Epstein says:

"They were conscious, chosen, politically expedient acts by a small group of people for the sake of their own power, prestige and financial gain, resulting in suffering and death for millions of women... They fit the classification of "crimes against humanity.""

Not surprisingly, as often happens when anyone dares speak out against those in power, both the American Cancer Society and NCI called Dr. Epstein's findings "unethical and invalid."

But this didn't stop others from speaking out as well. In July 1995, The Lancet again wrote about mammograms, saying "The benefit is marginal, the harm caused is substantial, and the costs incurred are enormous ..."

Dr. Charles B. Simone, a former clinical associate in immunology and pharmacology at the National Cancer Institute, said, "Mammograms increase the risk for developing breast cancer and raise the risk of spreading or metastasizing an existing growth."

"The high sensitivity of the breast, especially in young women, to radiation-induced cancer was
known by 1970. Nevertheless, the establishment then screened some 300,000 women with X ray dosages so high as to increase breast cancer risk by up to 20 percent in women aged 40 to 50 who were mammogramed annually," wrote Dr. Epstein.
Safe Screening Methods do Exist: The Benefits of Thermography

But you're not likely to hear about them from your general practitioner.
" ... The establishment ignores safe and effective alternatives to mammography, particularly trans illumination with infrared scanning,"

Dr. Epstein points out. Most physicians continue to recommend mammograms for fear of being
sued by a woman who develops breast cancer after which he did not advise her to get one. But I encourage you to think for yourself and consider safer, more effective alternatives to mammograms.

The option for breast screening that I most highly recommend is called thermography.

Thermographic breast screening is brilliantly simple. It measures the radiation of infrared heat from your body and translates this information into anatomical images. Your normal blood circulation is under the control of your autonomic nervous system, which governs your body functions.

Thermography uses no mechanical pressure or ionizing radiation, and can detect signs of breast cancer years earlier than either mammography or a physical exam.

Mammography cannot detect a tumor until after it has been growing for years and reaches a certain size.

Thermography is able to detect the possibility of breast cancer much earlier, because it can image the early stages of angiogenesis (the formation of a direct supply of blood to cancer cells, which is a necessary step before they can grow into tumors of size).

Tuesday, June 30, 2009


減肥是女性終生事業,任何體形任何年紀都嚷着要減肥,而最令人討厭的,是任女士如何努力,某些部位的肥肉總是如影隨形,永不肯消失,其中最常見的,就是減不走的小肚腩! 三十一歲的Amy,為了減走贅肉,一星期三次到健身室操練,在日子有功下,近半年大部分贅肉已消失,但小腹仍然隆起,像有了四個月身孕。






子宮 女性寶庫




為保子宮 尋求良方






正常的子宮長約 八厘米 ,只如小啤梨大小。 超聲波圖片中,Amy的子宮肌瘤達十七厘米長。

超大肌瘤 似有身孕


阮邦武醫生說,Amy的下腹明顯脹起,而經超聲波檢查後,發現子宮後方子宮壁有一個子宮肌瘤,長度達十七厘米 ,闊十四厘米 ,深十三厘米 ,「她子宮頂部已頂到上肚臍位置,它的脹大情況,像一個懷有二十二周,即五個月大嬰兒的子宮一樣!」





無創對付 滅瘤無望




一般女性的子宮只有8×5× 2.5厘米(長×闊×厚),大小如一個小啤梨,約重 八十克 ,Amy的子宮卻有一個 十七厘米 大的子宮肌瘤,像西瓜般大,到底手術時有幾大難度?

微創切除 難度極高





了解過手術詳情及風險後,Amy決定採用微創切除。 三月十三日 在全身麻醉下接受微創子宮肌瘤切除手術,過程順利,手術在三小時內完成。事後巨瘤上磅,發覺重達 九百四十四克 ,足足 兩磅 重!Amy頑固的小肚腩亦即時消失。

肚腩變化 提高警覺





Friday, June 26, 2009

What makes dry eyes worse?

“Patients with dry eyes may complain of anything from irritation, itching, and burning to blurred vision and even excessive tearing.”

Symptoms tend to increase from morning to evening; i.e. the longer the person wears the lenses throughout the day; the more likely he or she is to have dry eyes complaints. Dry eyes can also be made worse by: windy weather, which dries out the eyes further, tobacco smoke; low humidity; air-conditioning or when you blink less often. Medications such as anti-histamines, anti-depressants, sleeping bills, diuretics or beta-blockers decrease tear production and may aggravate symptoms.

Source: Health care booklet from Guardian pharmacy

Wednesday, June 24, 2009

十穀米, 預防癌症的食物




















果林老和尚將秘方傳予 徐上德醫師。



健保局總經理 賴美淑醫師每天吃十穀健康粥,













Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Ikan Pangas (Dory Fish) from Mekong River, Vietnam

Do you eat this frozen fish called Pangas ? ( Pangasius, Vietnamese Rver Cobbler, White Catfish, Gray Sole )

It is Industrially farmed in Vietnam along the Mekong River , Pangas or whatever they're calling it, has only been recently introduced to the French market. However, in a very short amount of time, it has grown in popularity in France . The French are slurping up Pangas like it's their last meal of soup noodles. They are very, very affordable (cheap), are sold in filets with no bones and they have a neutral (bland) flavor and texture; many would compare it to cod and sole, only much cheaper. But as tasty as some people may find it, there's, in fact, something hugely unsavory about it. I hope the information provided here will serve as very important information for you and your future choices. Here's why I think it is better left in the shops (and not on your dinner plates).

1. Pangas are teeming with high levels of poisons and bacteria (Industrial effluents, arsenic, and toxic and hazardous by-products of the growing industrial sector, polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs), DDT and its metabolites (DDTs), metal contaminants, chlordane-related compounds (CHLs), hexachlorocyclohexane isomers (HCHs), and hexachlorobenzene (HCB) ).

The reasons are that the Mekong River is one of the most polluted rivers on the planet and this is where pangas are farmed and industries along the river dump chemicals and industrial waste directly into it. To note: a friend lab tests these fish and tells us to avoid eating them due to high amounts of contamination. Regardless of the reports and recommendations against selling them, the supermarkets still sell them to the general public knowing they are contaminated.

2. They freeze Pangas in contaminated river water.

3. Pangas are not environmentally sustainable, a most unsustainable food you could possibly eat - 'Buy local' means creating the least amount of environmental harm as possible. This is the very opposite end of the spectrum of sustainable consumerism. Pangas are raised in Vietnam . Pangas are fed food that comes from Peru ( more on that below ), their hormones ( which are injected into the female Pangas ) come from China . ( More about that below ) and finally, they are transported from Vietnam to France . That's not just a giant carbon foot print, that's a carbon continent of a foot print.

4. There's nothing natural about Pangas - They're fed dead fish remnants and bones, dried and ground into a flour, from South America , manioc (cassava) and residue from soy and grains. This kind of nourishment doesn't even remotely resemble what they eat in nature. But what it does resemble is the method of feeding mad cows (cows were fed cows, remember?). What they feed pangas is completely unregulated so there are most likely other dangerous substances and hormones thrown into the mix. The pangas grow at a speed light ( practically! ) : 4 times faster than in nature Kso it makes you wonder what exactly is in their food? Your guess is as good as mine.

5. Pangas are injected with hormones derived from urine. I don't know how someone came up with this one out but they've discovered that if they inject female Pangas with hormones made from the dehydrated urine of pregnant women, the female Pangas grow much quicker and produce eggs faster (one Panga can lay approximately 500,000 eggs at one time). Essentially, they're injecting fish with hormones (they come all of the way from a pharmaceutical company in China) to speed up the process of growth and reproduction. That isn't good. Some of you might not mind eating fish injected with dehydrated pee, so if you don't, good for you, but just consider the rest of the reasons to NOT eat it.

6. Don't be lured in by insanely cheap price of Pangas. Is it worth risking your health and the health of your family?

7. Buying Pangas supports unscrupulous, greedy evil corporations and food conglomerates that don't care about the health and well-being of human beings. They only are concerned about selling as many pangas as possible to unsuspecting consumers. These corporations only care about selling and making more money at whatever cost to the public.

8. Pangas will make you sick- If (for reasons in no.1 above) you don't get immediately ill with vomiting, diarrhea and effects from severe food poisoning, congratulations, you have an iron stomach! But you're still ingesting POISON not poisson.

Final important note: Because of the prodigious amount of availability of Pangas, be warned that they will certainly find their way into other foods: surimi (those pressed fish things, imitation crab sticks), fish sticks, fish terrines, and probably in some pet foods.

Marco's comment:
One way to prevent ourselves from eating these poisoning foods will be say no to frozen meats and sea foods.

Saturday, June 06, 2009









Marco's comment:
The consequences of frequent suppers and late dinners shall be similar. Prevent supper and have dinner before 8:00pm for healthier life style.

Monday, May 25, 2009

黑糖薑茶 (Brown sugar ginger tea)

Chinese traditional treatment for women during menstrual cycle.




Saturday, May 23, 2009

The dangers of shopping carts

Shopping carts are considered one of the most important tools for shopping in supermarkets. It helps you buy all your household, including your personal supplies, and to transfer those purchases throughout the store and car parking space.

But do you have any idea about the dangers of shopping carts?

A study conducted in South Korea showed unexpected results about the public tools that cause contamination and transfer of bacteria. The study, conducted by the Korean Consumer Protection Board, found that handles of shopping carts in stores are the most polluted with bacteria among the objects that are frequently traded among people, and handles of public toilets are not as bad as expected.

Studies that have been conducted proved that there are 1 million germs on just one shopping cart handle.

Researchers stress that shopping carts handles are one of the most contaminated public surfaces, even dirtier than most public restrooms. The reason? Public restrooms are cleaned and disinfected regularly, but shopping carts are not. In fact, most stores clean their shopping carts only a couple of times each year.

Many consumers don’t realize the degree to which shopping carts have been exposed to bacteria and germs via sources such as meat or poultry, children while sitting in the carts and other consumers’ illnesses.

Did you know that shopping cart handles can harbor ten times more germs than almost anything else you touch during the day? Swabs taken from shopping cart handles have shown germs, viruses, bacteria and body fluids on these plastic handles.

In the meantime, with everyone touching the cart handles and babies being put into the seats, the typical shopping cart is continuously being contaminated and accumulating a startling range of germs and viruses.

To protect your self and baby from getting germs:
1. Wash your hands upon completion of shopping, especially your child’s hand if he was put on the chair of shopping cart.
2.Use anti-bacterial wipes to clean and disinfect the carts’ handles.

Wednesday, May 06, 2009

Do not light candle in air-conditioned room

A tragedy that happened by lighting an aromatherapy candle in an air-conditioned room. Read on and share with your love ones this important health information.

Heard of a bad news regarding Charleine, who studied in MSMKL with some of us. She passed away last weekend due to carbon monoxide poisoning. It happened when she lighted an aroma therapeutic candle for the night in a room with air-conditioning on and all windows closed.

Due to lack of oxygen in the room, the burning of the candle cannot fully burned and thus forming dangerous carbon monoxide.

Carbon monoxide will prevent oxygen exchange in the lungs, resulting the person dozing off to state of unconsciousness and eventually passed away in less than 1 hour, depending on the room size.

I am sending this e-mail out to all of you so that you will be aware of such danger when lighting aroma therapeutic candles in any unventilated rooms.

Read also:
1. Air out your car before turning on air conditioner
2. Think your indoor air is safe?
3. Perilous Printer?

Marco's comment:
Aroma therapeutic has become very popular among our communities. Personally I quite enjoy lighting up such aromatherapy candle in an air-conditioned room while I am trying to relax myself.

I will do this once a while staying in a hotel room. I am skeptical to the chemicals that used to produced such aromatherapy candles, it might just bring more harm than good.

Now, with the above forwarded email, where to me the fact of the Carbon Monoxide that produced due to lack of oxygen is seems to be very valid, I strongly urge all the readers to avoid such practice especially in air-conditioned room.

Saturday, May 02, 2009

Painless cholesterol cure works in just 7 days

Want to lower your cholesterol so fast it'll make your head spin? It's a breeze, just eat guacamole or any dish containing avocados.

Most health experts and nutritionists will tell you this rich, delicious Mexican dish is banned from any cholesterol-watcher's menu.

But not Dr. Steven Pratt. That's because new research shows eating avocados can lower your cholesterol even faster than drugs without side effects.

One study found after just 7 days on a diet including avocados, LDL (bad cholesterol) and triglyceride levels dropped by 22 percents.

Meanwhile, HDL (good cholesterol) shot up 11 percents, something most cholesterol lowering drugs won't do.

Marco's comment: Anyone who has included avocados in the diet and found effective is encourage to share their experience by leaving comment.

Thursday, April 23, 2009

喝茶不洗杯, 閻王把命催

This article explains the right way to drink tea. Read on.





天津藥物研究院副教授李紅珠告訴《生命時報》記者,沒有喝完或放得時間較長的茶水暴露在空氣中,茶葉中的茶多酚與茶銹中的金屬元素就會發生氧化,形成茶垢, 附著在杯子內壁,而「茶垢」就是危害人體健康的罪魁禍首。

因為茶垢中含有鎘、鉛、汞、砷等有毒物質以及亞硝酸鹽等致癌物,這些物質進入人們的消化系統, 與食物中的蛋白質、脂肪酸、維生素等相結合,不僅阻礙了人體對這些營養素的吸收和消化,還會使腸胃等器官受到損害。此外,經常不清洗的茶杯,還留有更多水垢,其中也含有大量的重金屬,對健康極為不利。


Read also:
1. Are You Drinking The Right Tea?
2. Benefits of Green Tea - 25 Reasons Why You Should Start Drinking Green Tea
3. Tea Wards Off Cell Mutation

Friday, April 17, 2009


專門做放射線醫師,認為『微波爐』會利用電波少一個正價電子,運用水分子之震盪使食物變熱,所以食物易變成自由基,就會容易致癌。所以偶爾方便用一下, 最好還是少用『微波爐』!

以下文章值得參考 :


另一個是食物在體內代謝後的廢物,如自由基、硫化氫等。時下, 清除體內垃圾已成健康時尚。


1. 主動咳嗽法:
自然界中的粉塵、金屬微粒及廢氣中的毒性物質,通過呼吸進入肺臟,既損害肺臟,又通過血液循環而 ' 株連' 全身。借助主動咳嗽可以' 清掃 '! 肺臟。每天 到室外空氣清新處做深呼吸運動,深吸氣時緩緩抬起雙臂,然後主動咳嗽,使氣流從口、鼻中噴出,咳出痰液。

2. 飲水沖洗法:

3. 運動出汗法:

4. 巧用食物法:
●常飲鮮果、鮮菜汁 ( 不經炒煮 ) ,鮮果、鮮菜汁是體內清潔劑 ,它們能排除體內堆積的毒素和廢物。

●常吃海帶, 海帶對放射性物質有特別的親和力, 海帶膠質能促使體內的放射性物質隨著大號排出體外, 從而減少放射性物質在人體內的積聚, 也減少了放射性疾病的發生率。

●常喝綠豆湯, 綠豆湯能輔助排泄體內的毒素, 促進機體的正常代謝。

Friday, March 20, 2009

Pineapple Fights Cancer Growth

According to the National Cancer Institute, cancer has now surpassed cardiac disease as the largest killer in the United States. The incidence of cancer increases with age, with approximately 80 % of cancers occurring in ppl over the age of 55.

However, according to researchers at the Queensland Institute of Medical Research, preventing cancer may be as simple as eating pineapple.

While analyzing bromelain, an extract of crushed pineapple stems, researchers found that two molecules isolated from the extract showed promise in fighting cancer growth:

One molecule, known as CCS, blocks a protein called Ras, which is defective in approximately 30 % of all cancers. The other, called CCZ, stimulates the body's own immune system to target and destroy cancer cells.

Researchers discovered these two molecules work simultaneously to block the growth of a broad range of tumor cells including breast, lung, colon, ovarian & melanoma.

While CCS & CCZ are protease enzymes (usually associated with breaking down proteins, as in the digestive process), the above findings distinguish the molecules as a new way of treating disease & potentially a whole new class of anti-cancer agents.

What's more, bromelain, a rich source of enzymes, has also been found to modulate immunological responses & has been proposed to be of clinical use.

Thursday, March 12, 2009

How many people suffered in vain while this billion-dollar drug maker concealed the secret of the miraculous Graviola tree?

If there ever was a single example that makes it dramatically clear why the existence of Health Sciences Institute is so vital to Americans like you, it's the incredible story behind the Graviola tree.

The truth is stunningly simple: Deep within the Amazon Rainforest grows a tree that could literally revolutionize what you, your doctor, and the rest of the world thinks about cancer treatment and chances of survival. The future has never looked more promising.

Research shows that with extracts from this miraculous tree it now may be possible to attack cancer safely and effectively with an all-natural therapy that does not cause extreme nausea, weight loss and hair loss, protect your immune system and avoid deadly infections, feel stronger and healthier throughout the course of the treatment, boost your energy and improve your outlook on life

The source of this information is just as stunning: It comes from one of America’s largest drug manufacturers, the fruit of over 20 laboratory tests conducted since the 1970's! What those tests revealed was nothing short of mind numbing... Extracts from the tree were shown to:
Effectively target and kill malignant cells in 12 types of cancer, including colon, breast, prostate, lung and pancreatic cancer.

The tree compounds proved to be up to 10,000 times stronger in slowing the growth of cancer cells than Adriamycin, a commonly used chemotherapeutic drug!

What's more, unlike chemotherapy, the compound extracted from the Graviola tree selectively hunts down and kills only cancer cells. It does not harm healthy cells!

The amazing anti-cancer properties of the Graviola tree have been extensively researched, so why haven't you heard anything about it? If Graviola extract is as half as promising as it appears to be, why doesn't every single oncologist at every major hospital insist on using it on all his or her patients?

The spine-chilling answer illustrates just how easily our health--and for many, our very lives are controlled by money and power.

Graviola- the plant that worked too well

One of America 's biggest billion-dollar drug makers began a search for a cancer cure and their research centered on Graviola, a legendary healing tree from the Amazon Rainforest.

Various parts of the Graviola tree--including the bark, leaves, roots, fruit and fruit-seeds have been used for centuries by medicine men and native Indians in South America to treat heart disease, asthma, liver problems and arthritis. Going on very little documented scientific evidence, the company poured money and resources into testing the tree's anti-cancerous properties and were shocked by the results. Graviola proved itself to be a cancer-killing dynamo.

But that's where the Graviola story nearly ended?

The company had one huge problem with the Graviola tree- it's completely natural, and so, under federal law, not patentable. There's no way to make serious profits from it.

It turns out the drug company invested nearly seven years trying to synthesize two of the Graviola tree's most powerful anti-cancer ingredients. If they could isolate and produce man-made clones of what makes the Graviola so potent, they'd be able to patent it and make their money back. Alas, they hit a brick wall. The original simply could not be replicated. There was no way the company could protect its profits or even make back the millions it poured into research.

As the dream of huge profits evaporated, their testing on Graviola came to a screeching halt. Even worse, the company shelved the entire project and chose not to publish the findings of its research!

Luckily, however, there was one scientist from the Graviola research team whose conscience wouldn't let him see such atrocity committed. Risking his career, he contacted a company that's dedicated to harvesting medical plants from the Amazon Rainforest and blew the whistle.

Miracle unleashed

When researchers at the Health Sciences Institute were alerted to the news of Graviola, they began tracking the research done on the cancer-killing tree. Evidence of the astounding effectiveness of Graviola--and its shocking cover-up came in fast and furious.

The National Cancer Institute performed the first scientific research in 1976. The results showed that Graviola's "leaves and stems were found effective in attacking and destroying malignant cells." Inexplicably, the results were published in an internal report and never released to the public.

Since 1976, Graviola has proven to be an immensely potent cancer killer in 20 independent laboratory tests, yet no double-blind clinical trials--the typical benchmark mainstream doctors and journals use to judge a treatment's value were ever initiated.

A study published in the Journal of Natural Products, following a recent study conducted at Catholic University of South Korea stated that one chemical in Graviola was found to selectively kill colon cancer cells at "10,000 times the potency of (the commonly used chemotherapy drug) Adriamycin."

The most significant part of the Catholic University of South Korea report is that Graviola was shown to selectively target the cancer cells, leaving healthy cells untouched. Unlike chemotherapy, which indiscriminately targets all actively reproducing cells (such as stomach and hair cells), causing the often devastating side effects of nausea and hair loss in cancer patients.

A study at Purdue University recently found that leaves from the Graviola tree killed cancer cells among six human cell lines and were especially effective against prostate, pancreatic and lung cancers.

Seven years of silence broken, it's finally here!

A limited supply of Graviola extract, grown and harvested by indigenous people in Brazil , is finally available in America . The full Graviola story- including where you can get it and how to use it is included in Beyond Chemotherapy: New Cancer Killers, Safe as Mother's Milk, a Health Sciences Institute FREE special bonus report on natural substances that will effectively revolutionize the fight against cancer.

Marco's comment:
Unsure if the above mentioned is true or the otherwise. But I am going to plant one Graviola plant at my garden.

Read also:
Papaya Leave Juice - Cure for Dengue Fever

Sunday, March 08, 2009

5 tricks to get your man to the doctor's

Below are the five tricks to get your man to the doctor's (No screaming or begging involved)

Be the damsel in distress
In the coyest, most honey coated voice you can summon, ask him: "Sweetheart, how will you take care of me if you're not well?"

Treat him like a child
When he coughs, pat his back. When he sneezes, put a tissue to his nose and make him blow it. Baby him enough and he'll be begging to see the doctor. Men detest being treated like children.

Scare him silly
All men are terrified of becoming infertile. Gently remind him that staying sick affects his sperm count, and can even affect his virility. He'll be dying to see the doctor.

Strike while the iron is hot
Strike when he is dog tired and woozy. Tell him how his company has been squeezing every ounce of his energy and underpaying him then casually mention company benefits. Use the following words: "MC", "day off", "couch-potato" and most importantly, "FREE".

Tempt him with food
Consistently cook up the blandest dishes you can think of for him, and feast on his favourite dish at the same table. Make sure he smells what you're eating

5 tips for easy weight loss

Tip1: Have at least 5 servings of fruits and vegetable each day
Fruits and vegetables come with beneficial fibers, vitamins and antioxidants. Not only do they fill up your stomach fast so you feel full but are also low in calories and helps to keep your calorie count low.

Tip2: Never skip meals
Try to eat 5- 6 meals throughout the day. Having small, frequent meals instead of three big main meals helps to balance your calorie intake throughout the day and keeps your blood sugar level balanced.

Tip3: Go for fresh wholesome meals
If you can, get fresh food. Try and avoid processed and convenient foods such as fast food which are often higher in sodium and fat content.

Tip4: Reduce the intake of sugary drinks
Juices, carbonated drinks, and cream& sugar in your coffee or tea can all add up. Drink no less than 8 glasses of water a day instead. In addition to providing hydration to your body, water will be also help you feel full.

Tip5: Work your body
Most experts recommend 30- 60 minutes physical activity a day to stay healthy. Also try weight-bearing exercises at least twice a week. This will help burn unwanted calories.

Marco's comment:
Chew your food slowly before swallow. Besides, if you eat out, instead of ordering fruit juices or soft drinks, get yourself a cup of green tea or plain water.

Read also:
1. Benefits of Green Tea - 25 Reasons Why You Should Start Drinking Green Tea
2. Are You Drinking The Right Tea?
3. Don't Drink Cold Water After Meal
4. Water Therapy

Tuesday, March 03, 2009

"感冒"- 多喝水卻很少尿一定要看

感冒多喝水卻很少尿尿一定一定要看。 女生要注意,男生要給你的女伴看!
希望大家都能注意自己身體細微的變化! 如果感冒多喝水卻很少尿尿一定要有警覺心, 因為腎臟的神經很大條很粗心不會警告你, 事業誠可貴, 健康價更高!
俗話說經一事長一智,不過我寧可沒經歷這件事, 不論你多忙,請你看完這個正在發生的事......

〝感冒〞讓我的一個好同事(其實可以說是好朋友), 現年26歲,在耶誕節那天住進醫院的加護病房直到今天 (12/28)都沒出來。

她, 一個花樣年華的女孩子, 才26歲,前幾天不舒服, 講話有鼻音, 告訴我們她應該感冒了, 她媽媽叫她去看醫生, 她說她自已多喝開水就好了, 過了兩天, 實在很不舒服才去看醫生, 開始服葯, 起初有好一點, 但是她告訴媽媽每天喝很多水, 可是排尿很少,也沒在意, 但是很容易疲倦, 這樣大約過了三四天,她在12/22還活蹦亂跳的和我們一起參加公司尾牙, 12/23還和朋友一起出外遊玩; 12/24早上就沒起床過一直在睡覺, 她媽媽問她, 她說應該是〝感冒〞很累要睡覺就這樣, 一直到12/25早上她媽媽說, 已經睡一整天了該起來看看吃點東西服葯, 結果她才發覺自已根本站不住, 而且腹痛緊急送往醫院, 直接送入加護病房檢查原因, 原先醫院推測是腹膜炎要緊急動手術, 但經過胃腸科主治醫生初步檢查覺得不像, 就去照超音波, 發覺胃腸根本沒事, 這才又找了婦產科醫生會診, 又去照超音波, 結果一樣檢查不出什麼問題。

過一夜12/26早上, 她全身酸痛躺不住, 坐著呼吸急促, 緊急戴氧氣罩, 醫院發覺她根本沒排過尿, 這才找了腎臟科醫生會診, 腎臟科醫生一檢查, 從她臉上出現二個紅點, 及一直沒排尿, 推測是急性敗血症引發急性腎衰竭, 但還不能確定, 所以抽血去檢驗, 另外, 培養她體內的細菌, 看是哪一種細菌這樣厲害, 但是抽血檢驗要下午才會有結果, 培養細菌要三天才會有結果, 腎臟科醫師推測是一種名為葛蘭氏, (我不知道字對不對, 這個譯音是來自醫生口中)細菌的頑強細菌進入血液中直接破壞血小板才會是目前的病狀,建議醫院使用專門針對葛蘭氏細菌的抗生素為她注射, (一直到此時醫院還是用一般的抗生素注射, 因為沒查出病因, 無法對症下葯!)。
但是, 一直到12/26中午, 我去加護病房看她時, 剛好遇到腎臟科醫師門診完來看她, 但我已看到 手肘靠著床邊的部份已立即出現了淤血且變黑, 因為無法排尿而產生的水腫,這 位醫師隨即問了我的身份後, 要找她的父母說明病情, 我及她的父母才在這位好心的醫師詳細解說下, 瞭解她的病況己到了危及生命的階段, 急性敗血症己經引發了第一項併發症-急性腎衰竭, 目前臉上的紅點及手肘的淤血都是急性敗血症的徵兆, 目前已出現了呼吸急促的病狀, 接下來可能會引發腦部缺氧而無法呼吸!

正式宣佈有三天的危險期, 並且立即安排洗腎, 清除腎臟內的積水。
今天12/27中午我眼看她, 加護病房內的她插入鼻管, 管內都是血, 我還要強忍著眼淚, 告訴她,嗨! 今天看起來氣色好多了, 躺著沒問題、可以睡的著就好了, 明後天開始好好補補又可以一起上班了,出去問了她媽媽, 才知道今早併發了胃出血, 緊急插管抽血 ........ 她媽媽對著我一直掉眼淚說:我祇要她能好, 我怎樣都沒關係...

我要奉勸各位好朋友一些事, 這是那位好心醫生的提醒:
每天在我們身邊都有很多細菌,〝感冒〞祇是你的身體提醒你, 免疫系統受到傷害, 有任何症狀都要一五一十告訴醫生, 好讓醫生能研判確實的病 情!

上洗手間前後都要洗手!以免細菌經由尿道進入身體破壞我們的血液組織, 引發如此嚴重後果, 還有不要諱疾忌醫! 畢竟,生命是我們自己的!

Beware of birth control pills

Received a forwarded email that worth sharing with the readers especially women. Nobody could tell if the content is true or fake, but it is better to take note than ignorance.

Recently this past week, my cousin Nicole Dishuk (age 31...newly graduated student with a doctoral degree about to start her new career as a Doctor...) was flown into a nearby hospital, because she passed out.

They found a blood clot in her neck, and immediately took her by helicopter to the ER to operate. By the time they removed the right half of her skull to relieve the pressure on her brain; the clot had spread to her brain causing severe damage.

Since last Wednesday night, she was battling... they induced her into a coma to stop the blood flow, they operated 3 times... Finally, they said there was nothing left that they could do... they found multiple clots in the left side of her brain... the swelling wouldn't stop, and she was on life support...

She passed away at 4:30 yesterday. She leaves behind a husband, a 2yr old Brandon and a 4yr old Justin... They found was a birth control pill she was taking that allows you to only have your period 3 times a year... They said it interrupts life's menstrual cycle, and although it is FDA approved... shouldn't be - So to the women in my address book - I ask you to boycott this product & deal with your period once a month - so you can live the rest of the months that your life has in store for you.

*Please send this to every woman you know - you may save someone's life... Remember, you have a cycle for a reason!

The warnings and side effects of the birth control pills are horrible. Please, please forward this information to as many daughters and sons, co-workers, friends and relatives. Several lives have already been changed.

Marco's comment:
Condom is still the best way for birth control. Besides, it is also proven to be very effective on prevention of STDs (Sexual Transmitted Diseases). Why choose birth control pill while there is a better alternative?

Sunday, March 01, 2009

Men's fitness

As you age, your body loses muscle tissue and your metabolism slows down. Exercise is the best way to get physically fit and lose weight. It can also add years to your life.

Experts recommend 20 to 30 minutes of aerobic activity at least three times a week.

Select the best plan that is favorable to your lifestyle, whether it is at home or a fitness club. Pick a form of exercise you will enjoy the most and start out slowly, increasing your activity and work out-time gradually.

Consider adding basic weight training to build muscles, burn calories and control body fat. If you're beginner, try increasing your personal fitness in your everyday life by walking more, doing gardening, painting, and parking your car further from your destination.

Not only will you have the satisfaction of getting things done, you'll enjoy the benefits of being physically fit.

You don't need to lump your exercise all in one session. Try it in 10 minute increments if this is easier for you and as time allows.

Sunday, February 15, 2009

Oral Care- Teeth and gums

Oral care is an important and integral part of our everyday lives. Tooth decay remains a common problem although preventable for people of all ages.

It tends to occur to people with poor dental hygiene, diets rich in sugar, dry mouth; who drink unfluoridated water or to those on certain medications. We need to continue to keep our teeth and gums healthy.

Your teeth and gums
Your tooth can divided into three basic parts. The outer part of your tooth is the enamel, a hard and protective covering made up of 97% calcium over the softer but larger fraction of dentine. Below the dentine, there is the pulp that consists of nerves and blood vessels. Teeth are held in place by fibres located between a thin layer called the cementum and bone. Healthy gums are normally pink, firm and do not bleed when brushed. A person has gingivitis when his/her gums are red.

Source: Health care booklet from Guardian pharmacy
Marco's comment
Good oral care is not only affecting one's health, but the general outlook and image as well.

Thursday, February 12, 2009

Chikungunya Virus

We have just been alerted that Chikungunya Virus outbreak in Malaysia, spread by mosquitoes, is quite serious. More than 2,000 people are infected down south.
Consult a health-care provider or visit the nearest hospital for chikungunya fever if you showed symptoms such as fever, severe joint pains and rashes.
Four states have been hit, i.e. Johor, Malacca, Negeri Sembilan and Perak. The worst hit is Tangkak, Johor. Almost all elderly people (age 45 years and above) are infected with this virus. Many people who are infected seek treatment from Tangkak Hospital every day. There were times beds were full, and the hospital could not warded them. Therefore they were discharge after a half day treatment in the ward.
► Below is the chronological of this outbreak.
1. The disease is spread by the foreigner workers in the plantations.
2. Then the 'bugs' are passed down to the local planters, of which, their families are infected eventually.
3. Now people in this town (Tangkak) are infected as well as others in nearby towns and states.
► Symptoms of Chikungunya:
1. High fever
2. Rashes
3. Chronic joints pain (which will last for 3 months)
► Recommendations:
1. Increase adhoc facilities and manpower in district hospital and clinics.
2. Bring down the population of the vector (mosquitoes)
3. Quarantine the sick people who are infected with this virus.
4. Educate the public how to prevent and contain the disease.
Dr. Teo Kim Lai (among the many courageous Pahlawan Volunteer veterinarians involved in the investigation of the Nipah Virus Outbreak, 1999 archived at recommends that the sick should be quarantined as the virus is transmitted to humans by the bite of infected mosquitoes. CHIK fever epidemics are sustained by human-mosquito-human transmission.
Further information can be obtained from the Health Ministry's website at or call (603)-88810600/ 0700 during office hours.
Read also:
Marco's comment:
Chikungunya and Dengue virus are both spreaded by Aedes mosquito. Hence, eliminating the Aedes mosquito will helps to stay away from these 2 life threatening viruses.

Monday, February 09, 2009

Think your indoor air is safe?

Most people spend 60% - 90% of their time indoors. Do you know that almost 50% of all illness are either caused or aggravated by polluted indoor air? Indoor air is found to be up to 70 times more polluted than outdoor air; overuse of air conditioner is one of the factors.

Who would be without air conditioner? In hot, humid climates it is more than a modern comfort- it is an essential element in getting through those sweltering, sticky days. But, like most modern conveniences, air conditioner has its down-sides. The problems associated with air conditioners arise out of overuse and many people notice increased snuffle, dazes, tinnitus and allergy problems after having stayed in air-conditioned room for a long time. Do you know why?

The above symptoms are known as “Air-cond Disease” or “Air-cond Syndrome”. The air in an air conditioned environment of a tightly sealed and well insulated home or place can become stale as the same indoor air is circulated and re-circulated. Bacteria, dirt and dust particles accumulate the interior of air conditioner after extensive usage, especially air filters and evaporator in the air conditioner. When the filters and indoor air quality and causing deterioration in one’s health.

Medical experts have advised the air conditioner should be cleaned 2-3 times yearly and people should open windows often and let in fresh air.

Marco’s comment:
I believe the Air-cond Disease” or “Air-cond Syndrome” are applicable to cars’ air conditioner as well.

Real also:

Sunday, February 01, 2009

Is your life being interrupted by liver problem?

Liver is the largest organ in human body but it is almost not innervated, therefore you will not have obvious pain when your liver is damaged; in addition to potent regenerative ability of liver, it is still able to maintain normal function without prominent symptoms despite of removal or damage of liver up to ¾ of it, thus it is easily overlooked most of the time. However, once the liver condition deteriorates then prolonged treatment is required to heal it.

Functions of liver:
1. As factory of detoxification, responsible for removal and filtration of toxins throughout the body such as bacteria and harmful chemical substances.
2. Produces enzymes.
3. Produces bile juice for digestion of fat.
4. Synthesizes protein.

Main causes for liver damage:
Constant or excessive alcohol consumption will lead to accumulation of fat in liver cells causing enlargement of liver (hepatomegaly) and this is known as fatty liver. Fatty liver has smooth surface and sometimes is painful on palpation. It is worth to take note that alcohol metabolism in the body of Eastern people does not occur as fast as that of Western people and they are more prone to discomfort after drinking alcohol, thus the amount of consumption should not exceed proper limit.

However, medical experts have found from numerous clinical studies that apart from alcohol drinking, 35% of fulminating liver failure are caused by medication. Experts point out that “all drugs are toxic to some extent.” There is a wide range of medications that cause liver damage and many of these are familiar to us such as flu drug, antibiotics and herbal medicines, etc. People nowadays are in favour of mixing traditional medicine with modern medicine which may cause overdose without being aware of it.

Excessive intake of food with high fat content will cause deposition of fat within liver cells and change of liver cells which is medically known as fatty liver. Constant worsening of fatty liver will develop into liver cirrhosis and even leading to liver failure.

Source: Perfect World Vol. 01/09

Tuesday, January 20, 2009









Saturday, January 17, 2009

Sex and relationships

Engaging in regular sexual activities with your partner is also a part of healthy living and keeps your relationship happy. Relationships can be strained when there is loss of sexual desire or when the male partner has sexual dysfunction.

Lack of energy and fatigue as a result of poor blood circulation can contribute to the loss of sexual desire or sexual dysfunction. The present working environment consists of many men who complained of the lack of sexual interest due to fatigue and lack of energy. By committing yourself to regular physical exercises at least 2-3 times a week, your work stress can be relieved and sex life improved.

Source: Health care booklet from Guardian pharmacy

Marco's comment
Sexual desire and sexual activities will keeps one stay young and healthy due to the self-generation of hormone which is good for health and anti-aging as well.
An exhausted body and soul after a over stressed working period will keep your sex desire away. Thus, work life balance is a must for healthy sex life.
Read also:


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