Friday, July 20, 2018

Needles with HIV blood in public

Received this HIV needles in public video from a community group chat.

My arguments are:

  1. Is this true? I do not read any HIV needles from the local  newspaper and Facebook.
  2. Once the blood is out of human body, the oxygen will be depleted, how long the HIV virus can live in such condition.
  3. The tip of the needles contain minimal volume of blood. It will need to penetrate thru your garment before it can hit your skin. The small amount of blood will be wiped off by the garment and leave almost no blood left in the tip.

However, the very important message from the video are:

  1. Be cautious when you are in public. Anything can happen.
  2. The HIV cure drugs in known as PEP or  Post-Exposure Prophylaxis. PEP must be started within 72 hours after a recent possible exposure to HIV, but the sooner you start PEP, the better. Every hour counts. If you’re prescribed PEP, you’ll need to take it once or twice daily for 28 days. PEP is effective in preventing HIV when administered correctly, but not 100%.


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