Wednesday, October 29, 2008

What treatments are available to treat dry eye symptoms?

For those patients with mild to moderate dry eyes the first course of treatment may be to use unpreserved artificial tears or rewetting drops as prescribed by the doctor. Depending on the nature of your tear film deficiency, the doctor may have you use a specific type of artificial tear that has different characteristics in terms of salt content and viscosity.

In addition to artificial tears, your doctor may suggest the need to switch to a less irritating or preservative free lens care system. These are specially formulated lens lubricating and rewetting drops specifically designed for contact lens wearers because other types of drops may contain ingredients that can damage the lens. Rewetting drops for contact lens wearers are usually not as thick as gels and are designed to provide relief and long-lasting lubrication to help retain moisture. Most doctors recommend preservative-free tears because they are the most soothing and have fewer additives that could potentially irritate the eye. Avoid products that are irritating to the eyes- they don’t have adequate lubricating qualities and often make the problem worse.

Protein removal is also an important issue, especially for patients with CLIDE. In heavily depositing persons with less frequently replaced lenses, regular enzyme treatments are advised. Daily wear lenses and daily disposables will be a good option. In severe cases, a reduced wearing schedule of daily-replaced lenses would be ideal. If optically viable, your doctor may consider changing your lens to a high water content lens that retains water in the lens matrix or an RGP lens with a low amount of silicone content.

In addition, your doctor may counsel you on environment factors and modifying the diet. Most likely you will be asked to drink plenty of water.

Marco’s comment:
If symptoms persists, it is advisable to opt for eyeglasses.

Source: Health care booklet from Guardian pharmacy

Monday, October 27, 2008

Plants for a healthier living

The side effects and dangers of air pollution are commonly known by the general public. However only a minority understands that indoor air pollution is at least 10 times higher than the outdoor, as shown by a research. Through experiments, it is proven that indoor gardening can effectively reduce or eliminate indoor air pollution.

Indoor sterilization

Plants absorb the toxic gasses, lampblack and radiation at home. Indoor plants help enhance ventilation and eliminate odour. A research by NASA shows that an indoor plant can eliminate 90% of formaldehyde in one cubic meter space. (Formaldehyde is commonly found in furniture, cigarettes, cosmetics, clothing and others. Pollution of formaldehyde can cause skin disease, skin cancer, discomfort of eyes, nose and throat, emotional instability, memory loss etc.)

Reduce indoor dust & micro-organism
Cilium, hair and mucus on plants are able to absorb the dust in air. Vapour from leaves through the process of respiration helps to increase moisture level and reduce room temperature. When dust integrates with vapour, the weight of that combination increases and causes the dust to subside. Thus, it is able to reduce the amount of dust in the air. Studies show that indoor planting reduces 20% to 70% of dust.

Ensure good indoor air ventilation
Carbon dioxide (CO2) released by plans at night is only 20% of the volume plants absorb in the day time. This shows that plants release a small amount of CO2 at night and it is not harmful to our health. However, there are some plants that absorb CO2 and release oxygen at night, such as the cactus and Sansevieria. These plants if place indoor will help regulate indoor air ventilation. -Baba

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

How are dry eyes diagnosed?

If you suspect you have dry eyes on wearing contact lenses, you should make an appointment to see your eye doctor. Your historical information gives the most reliable clues to the diagnosis of dry eyes. A careful examination of all the eye tissues usually provides more documentation for making a diagnosis.

While assessing for CLIDE your doctor will document your comprehensive contact lens history. He will evaluate whether the lens has been worn daily or extended overnight. Your doctor may need to ensure that you are not sleeping in lenses approved for daily wear, as this can lead to CLIDE. Environment factor such as humidity, closer to heating or air conditioning duct may aggravate CLIDE.

Your eyes may be examined using a special microscope called a slit lamp. The condition of the tear film (the layer of liquid) on your eyes is looked at, and the cornea (front of the eye) is checked to see if it has dried out, or has been damaged. Your doctor may also use different dyes to see if skin cells on the eye have worn away. The dye is put in your eye as an eye drop, and the dye will temporarily stain the eye where cells have worn away.

A test called the Schirmer test may also be carried out. A thin strip of filter paper is placed just inside the lower eyelid. After a few minutes, the paper is then removed to see how much liquid it has soaked up. Your doctor can then measure how dry your eyes are.
Source: Health care booklet from Guardian pharmacy

Saturday, October 18, 2008


中國毒奶粉的事件讓大家都很害怕每天看新聞報導,說法卻變來變去。沒有人清楚告訴我們到底什麼可以吃?什麼不能吃? 這時候該怎麼辦呢?


三聚氰胺」原本是做什麼用的呢? 它是一種工業原料主要是用來製作「美耐皿」碗盤。



2. 為什麼「三聚氰胺」會出現在奶粉裡?



2007年- 美國貓、狗暴斃,在中國製的寵物食品裡發現「三聚氰胺」。

2008年開始, 中國嬰兒腎結石病例異常增多。
2008年8月, 中國三鹿奶粉被檢驗出「三聚氰胺」。

2008年9月, 紐西蘭總理要求中國政府處理。
2008年9月21日, 台灣爆發多種食品含有「三聚氰胺」。



洗腎的地方長這樣子 。



大家只要記住:有「奶精」、「奶粉」的,都不能吃 6.毒奶事件影響到哪些廠商?下面這些,是毒奶事件爆發以來曾經被報導過,跟毒奶事件有關的廠商、產品。

另外,這些公司也受到影響:大潤發大賣場、亞信、佳美、上田、特順香、老大房、台威食品公司、高育生物科技公司、雲林北港宗泰食品、尚效、品高、久津、維益食品公司、真口味、維士比、盛發興實業、華盛食品、鴻寶食品、雀實食品、奕瑪國際行銷、寶佳宏企業、三錦企業、魏氏國際實業、國際儲貿、萬記貿易、力遠貿易、丞泰企業、昱彰公司、麒林公司、同興實業、英時公司、菲仕蘭、開元 如果你有親友在中國大陸,必須注意的廠商有:河北三鹿集團、上海熊貓可寶牌、青島聖元牌、山西古城牌、江西光明英雄牌、陝西寶雞惠明牌、內蒙古蒙牛牌、天津多加多可淇牌、廣東雅士利牌、湖南南山倍益牌、黑龍江齊寧牌、山西雅士利牌、深圳金必氏牌、廣州施恩牌、廣州金鼎牌、內蒙古伊利牌、山東煙台澳美多牌、青島愛可丁牌、陝西西安御寶牌、山東煙台磊磊牌、上海寶安力牌、福建福鼎市晨冠牌。



這就是謝莉 • 克羅得乳腺癌的原因。 她在上艾倫的節目裡提到這是千真萬確的事情。這已經被鑑定是罹患乳腺癌裡的高危險因素中最常見的原因了, 尤其是在澳洲地區。

有位朋友的母親最近才被診斷出乳腺癌。 醫生告訴她︰婦女實在不應該喝留放在汽車裡的瓶裝水。

這醫生還說熱能和塑膠瓶子兩者遇在一起就會產生化學物質 , 而那些將會導致人們罹患乳腺癌。因此請小心並且千萬不要喝留放在車子裡頭的瓶裝水 . 請把這信息傳遞給你生命中的所有女性親友。這是一則或許可以拯救一個生命的訊息 , 我們不只應該知道, 而且要多加小心。

熱能釋放出塑膠裡的有毒物質後 , 這些物質就滲入到了水裡頭,而人們的胸部組織裡頭竟然就發現了這種毒素。所以如果可以的話,切記改用不鏽鋼杯或是玻璃瓶。

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

What makes dry eyes worse?

“Patients with dry eyes may complain of anything from irritation, itching, and burning to blurred vision and even excessive tearing.”

Symptoms tend to increase from morning to evening; i.e. the longer the person wears the lenses throughout the day; the more likely he or she is to have dry eyes complaints. Dry eyes can also be made worse by: windy weather, which dries out the eyes further, tobacco smoke; low humidity; air-conditioning or when you blink less often. Medications such as anti-histamines, anti-depressants, sleeping bills, diuretics or beta-blockers decrease tear production and may aggravate symptoms.

Source: Health care booklet from Guardian pharmacy

What are the symptoms of dry eyes?

If you wear contact lenses, you may find they become uncomfortable. Both eyes are usually affected. Symptoms include:

- Irritation in the eyes.
- The eyes may feel sandy or gritty.
- Foreign body sensation, burning, and/ or itching.
- Slight blurring of vision from time to time.
- Light sensitivity.
- Excessive tearing.

Will dry eye affect eye sight?
Dry eye on its own should have no effect on vision; it does not cause permanent sight loss. There may be some temporary blurring of vision but this is normally relieved by blinking.

Source: Health care booklet from Guardian pharmacy

Wednesday, October 08, 2008

Understanding contact lens induced dry eyes

The two types of contact lenses most often used today are soft lenses and rigid gas permeable (RGP) lenses. The softness in a contact lens comes from the amount of water that the lenses contain, and they feel pliable rather than hard. Because they provide more oxygen to the eye, people usually find them comfortable right away. RGP lenses are hard lenses that let in at least as much oxygen as do soft lenses.

A contact lens placed on the eye does not merely rest on top of the tear film but is immersed within it. The cornea, which usually receives direct oxygen from the atmosphere, now gets only diffused airing. Correct design and fitting of the lenses are essential for comfort, safety and accurate correction. Improvements in contact lenses have made them more comfortable and easier to wear.

People suffering from CLIDE usually have adequate tear quantity and quality under normal condition, however when eye is stressed- in this case, by the introduction of contact lens, may experience a symptomatic dry eye state. It is also believed that contact lens across the surface of the cornea may result in a less stable tear film and contact lens induced dry eye symptoms. A RGP lenses especially reduces blink rate leading to enhancing evaporation and leading to dry eyes. Contact lens induced dry eye also occurs in some people who may have had a marginally dry eye before they were fit with contact lenses or may actually be the result of contact lens wear.

Will dry eye affect eye sight?
Dry eye on its own should have no effect on vision; it does not cause permanent sight loss. There may be some temporary blurring of vision but this is normally relieved by blinking.

Marco’s comment:
Working class works 5 days a week and 8 hours a day, with consideration of travelling hours, one may have wear a contact lens for continuous more than 8 hours per day for 5 days in a week.

If you have dry eyes problem, try not wearing contact lens for more than continuously 4 hours a day.

Source: Health care booklet from Guardian pharmacy

Saturday, October 04, 2008

Stool flow interrupted

Regular bowel movement is the comfortable passage (without straining) of well-formed stools (neither too hard, nor too soft) once every day or every two to three days without the use of laxatives, or other interventions.

Bowel function is unique and varies from individual to individual. Some people move their bowels three times a day, others three times a week. But there are many who suffer from difficult bowel movement and become constipated.

For most of us, constipation is commonly caused by a lack of fibre in the diet. For others, it may result from repeatedly ignoring the urge to go and holding the stool in.

People who ignore the urge may eventually stop feeling it, which can lead to constipation.

Some people delay having a bowel movement because they do not want to use toilets outside the home. Others ignore the urge because of emotional stress or because they are too busy.

Children may postpone a bowel movement because of stressful toilet training or because they do not want to interrupt their play.

Generally, there are six factors leading to constipation:

Not enough liquids
Liquids like water and juice add fluid to the colon and bulk to the stool, making the stool softer and easier to pass. Without adequate fluid intake, stool becomes hard and constipation is more likely to occur.

Lack of exercise
Exercise and movement stimulate bowel activity and helps to maintain colon muscle tone. Lack of it can lead to constipation.

Pain medications (especially narcotics), antacids that contain aluminium, antidepressants, iron supplements and diuretics can slow the passage of bowel movements.

Irritable bowel syndrome
Many people with irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), also known as spastic colon, have irregular bowel movements. Constipation and diarrhoea often alternate, and abdominal cramping, gassiness, and bloating are common complaints.

Changes in life or routine
During pregnancy, women may be constipated due to hormonal changes or the heavy uterus compressing the intestine. Ageing may also affect bowel regularity because of a slower metabolism results in less intestinal activity and muscle tone. In addition, travelling sometimes disrupts bowel movement due to a change in diet and not drinking enough water.

Abuse of laxatives
Serious abuse of stimulant laxatives, especially among older adults who are preoccupied with having a daily bowel movement, can lead to constipation and other complications.

Laxatives are usually prescribed by doctors only after considering the patient’s medical history, medications one may be taking, and other health conditions the patient may have.

Doctors prescribe laxatives either to solve a medical symptom or to prepare for a medical exam such as colonoscopy. However, it does not solve the root cause of the problem.

Laxatives can promote dependency especially when used long term. It can also cause imbalances in bodily fluids that may lead to other complications.

Over time, stimulant laxatives can damage nerve cells in the colon and interfere with its natural ability to contract.

Six muscular actions play a part in fluid absorption, particle cohesion, stool formation, stool transit, and stool passage (defecation). If these muscles become weak, stool transit is slowed.

The colon can become insensitive, intestinal motivity can slow, normal processes fail, and chronic constipation can develop.

Excessive use may lead to abdominal pain, intestinal bleeding, headaches, dehydration, weight loss and even damage to other organs.

Other reported side effects are confusion, irregular heartbeat, muscle cramps, skin rash, unusual tiredness or weakness, belching, cramping, diarrhoea and nausea.

When it comes to choosing a detoxification product, one should avoid those with harsh laxatives such as senna leaves, cascara sagrada and ‘ma huang’.

Use of senna and sennosides come with a higher risk of water loss, which could easily be misconstrued as weight loss.

There are easier ways to get your bowel moving regularly. Moderate exercise is helpful for maintaining regularity and good health. Also respond when nature calls quickly as possible.

If you are not getting the urge, try going to the toilet 45 minutes after every meal. Get comfortable and gently massage your abdomen with your palm in a circular motion to encourage flow.

Fast facts to know why do we get dry eyes?

The name “dry eye” can be a little confusing since one of the most common symptoms is excessive watering of the eyes! It makes more sense, though, when you learn that the eye makes two different types of tears. The first type, called lubricating tears, is produced slowly and steadily throughout the day. Lubricating tears contain a precise balance of mucous, water, oil, nutrient proteins, and antibodies that nourish and protect the front surface of the eye.

The second type of tear, called a reflex tear, does not have much lubricating value. Reflex tears serve as a kind of emergency response to flood the eye when it is suddenly irritated or injured. Reflex tears might occur when you get something in your eye, when you’re cutting onions, when you’re around smoke, or when you accidentally scratch your eye. Another cause of reflex tearing is irritation of the eye from lack if lubricating tears. If your eye is not producing enough lubricating tears, you may have dry eye.

Hormonal changes due to aging and menopause, thyroid problems and vitamin deficiencies can contribute to increasing dry eyes. Some diseases and conditions- like rheumatoid arthritis, menopause, lupus and Sjögren’s Syndrome- also cause dry eye in many patients.

Source: Health care booklet from Guardian pharmacy

Wednesday, October 01, 2008

Pinhole Eyeglasses

Prescription spectacle had come to my life since I was just 7-year-old due to Myopia (near sightedness) and astigmatism. Childhood likes computing, watching TV, video gaming, reading and writing has worsened my eyes condition.

My eyes sights were further worsened during my college time where in order to meet the assignments, projects and thesis submission deadlines; we were focusing at the computer screen in long hour days and nights.

Thus, I am very keen in finding ways and means to improve my eyes condition. Efforts that I have put in includes minimise activities like watching television, do not read in the dark, wearing computer lenses and massaging my eyes.

But all the efforts can’t really help much due to city lifestyle. As working adult, our eyes are focusing at the computer screen during working hour. Back from work, majorities of the city folks will further strained our eyes starring at television screen, computer monitor, reading, and so forth.

Even with prescription eyeglasses, we feel tired after reading newspaper or watching TV screen because constant close up focusing causes the strain at our eyes. This answers that why after reading newspaper, we tend to fall asleep easier. It is because our eyes are constantly stressed during the reading activity.

Now, we have an alternative that allow us to read, write, play video game, computing and watching television without stressing our eyes. I have got myself a pair of pinhole eyeglasses a week ago; I uses the pinhole glasses to watch television, blogging and reading newspaper.

To my surprise, even without the prescription eyeglasses my vision is perfect with the pinhole glasses. Besides, I feel very relax after reading, watching television and computing. In the past, I just feel tired and my eyes were strained after these activities.

It is a good start indeed, hopefully in long run; the pinhole glasses could make positive correction on my myopia and astigmatism condition.


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