Friday, March 28, 2008

Artificial Eggs

China is the world leader in imitation manufacturing. Now, even live stocks like eggs are imitated.

I have received a forwarded email elaborating the eggs imitation process in China several times. The email is written in Mandarin by a Taiwanese reporter.

The email describes how established is the imitation industry in China and some pictures shot of the imitation training school in Guang Zhou, and last but not least the artificial eggs making process.

It is up to the reader to judge if the mail content is telling the truth, or is another attempt from someone who is trying to hurt the great China.

I found that very likely this is a fake story as the Chinese character of the pictures (the white board writings and the writings appeared on the ingredients packaging) were in traditional Chinese character while China has abolished the traditional Chinese character and simplified Chinese character is commonly used since decades ago.

黑心食品在中國大陸,已經猖獗到了人人自危、吃什麼都要擔心中招的地步。 本刊調查發現,廣州有一群深諳化工知識的退役解放軍,成立造假學校,公然 開班傳授各種造假技術, 連雞蛋都能以化學材料調製,而且能煎能煮,是目前最熱門的造假課程。

此外,透過網路科技,中國大陸的造假技術,已經到了無遠弗屆的蓬勃境界。 位於廣州市郊的棠下鎮,因為物價與房租比市中心低廉,吸引許多外地民工出 沒, 車站天橋旁大樓的三樓「新華軍地科技培訓學校」(新華技校),不少穿著土 氣且邋遢的年輕人進進出出, 但實在很難將他們與「科技」劃上等號。 教授人造蛋的東北老師邊講邊做、唱做俱佳;關鍵技術部分還會特別強調, 搭配一旁不時傳出的學生發問,臨場感十足。 新華造假學校女職員豆小姐,也是解放軍退役,警覺性高,前後態度迥然不同。

人造蛋技術開課賣, 造假學校櫃檯裡,陳放著 各項造假祕笈,從吃的到用的,包羅萬象。

這間名為科技培訓的學校,其實是所造假學校, 歸屬「廣東穗華科貿發展有限 公司」下,外觀陳設簡單、燈光昏暗, 一進門就看見「中國創富搖籃」「軍民合作」等醒目標語。

記者進入後,一名女子正以嚴厲的口吻, 訓斥一個手忙腳亂穿著狀似珊瑚項鍊的男子說:「別人一天可以穿假珊瑚鍊一 千條,你穿了一個鍾頭一條都不成,你要認真加把勁!」

面對衣著整齊的記者假扮成學員,前往學習「人造蛋」技術,眼神銳利的櫃檯 女職員防衛心極強,她問我們從何得知這個課程,之後先是謊稱自己姓陳、又說課程已經停辦,在記者遞上貿易公司的名片後, 才改變提防態度。

後來她改口其實姓豆,並從櫃檯下方拿出一本正方形、封面印有「改變命運 —從現在開始!」的小冊子, 裡面宣傳學校教授包括製造人工豆 漿、米粉、洗衣粉等各種課程,還大力推銷製造黑心產品所搭配的機器。


步驟 1調製原料將海藻酸納、食用明膠等7 種化學材料混水,調勻成凝膠狀,即為 蛋清原料,再取同樣材料加入黃色色素,成為蛋黃原料。

步驟2 製作蛋黃將蛋黃原料倒入模具至 2∕3 滿,放進以氯化鈣調成的神仙水中,輕晃模具,蛋黃出現薄膜就宣告完成。將蛋黃在神仙水中靜置 1小時定型,再取出沖洗晾乾備用。

步驟3 假蛋成型在模具中倒入1/3蛋清原料,先像包粽子一樣放進蛋黃,再倒入蛋 清,放進神仙水中輕晃, 1粒無殼雞蛋便緩緩浮現。將裸蛋定型1小時,以清水沖洗後晾乾,準備上殼。

步驟4 粉墨登場用縫衣線穿過雞蛋,浸入以蜜蠟、碳酸鈣等調製成的蛋殼溶液中,反覆數次,待外殼稍微風乾後,浸入冷水中抽線定型,至此,假雞 蛋已穿上外衣,大功告成。

學費五千元 賣祕笈記者現場觀察,放小冊的 玻璃櫃子裡,還擺滿了包括「仿製紅木家具技術」「醬油製作技術」「舊棉被翻新技術」等,日常用品從吃的到用的、販售包羅 萬象的「造假」祕笈,薄薄二、三張紙,卻要價新台幣五百元到一千元不等。

豆小姐說:「這些函授的講義,是賣給內地不方便前來上課的同學自修用 的。」記者要求翻閱一下「舊棉被翻新技術」內容,再決定是否購買,立刻被豆小姐嚴正拒絕說:「這些都是國防工業軍工技術,不買就不能看。」

豆小姐一邊熟練的翻開小冊子中介紹人造蛋的頁面,一邊開價學費一千二百元 (約新台幣五千元), 並且說:「明天就可以安排技術部劉經理為你們上課,但在上課前,所有學員 必須先簽署一份同意書。」這份同意書,內容大致寫的是「公司只負責技術傳授,學員製造人造蛋販售,一律與公司無關。」
表面上,造假學校雖極力 撇清與假產品的關係,卻又在對外的公佈欄與廣告宣傳品上,刊登學員來函的感謝信,其中一名在廣東打工多年的河南楊 姓學員寫著:「我在貴公司學得人造蛋技術後,製出的蛋與真蛋一模一樣,且口感比真蛋還好,我現在告別了 打工生涯,平均每天生產一千多個,每天淨賺一百多塊(約新台幣四百元), 造蛋發財了,不少老鄉還來向我 學技術。」

據記者調查,打著「軍民合作」旗幟、已有二十多年歷史的新華技校頗有來 頭,從陳姓總經理到櫃檯的豆小姐,都是由軍職退役轉業民間的解放軍組成,連該公司的招牌,都是前廣東省副省 長劉維明題字,記者在造假學校詢問課程時,也見到穿著武警制服的軍職人員在購買機器。
有解放軍做後台的造假學校,半年前還大肆刊登廣告、招攬學生,近來之所以 變的低調,還要學生簽署同意書才授課,全是因為半年前, 州工商局破獲了一個假雞蛋生產中心,起出上萬個假蛋,造假學校就是憑著 只從事「技術轉移」,並無參與「生產經營」, 避開法律制裁,但從此也變得更小心謹慎。

假蛋放入鍋中油煎,除了蛋白氣泡比真蛋多之外,賣相甚至比真蛋還可口 。

Thursday, March 20, 2008

Breathing Therapy

You must breathe more with your left nose.

We have left, right nose, is that the same for inhale and exhale?

Actually they are different, can feel the difference; right side represent the sun, left side represent the moon.

When having headache, try to close right nose and use your left nose to do your breathing, about 5 min, headache will be gone.

If you feel tired, do it the opposite round, close your left nose and breathe through your right nose. After a while, you will feel your mind is fresh again.

Right side belong s to heat, so it gets hot easily, left side belongs to cold.

Most of the girls breathe with their left nose, so their heart gets cold easily.
Most of the guys breathe with their right nose, so they get angry easily
Do you notice the moment we wake up, which side breathes faster? Left or right?
If left is faster, you will feel tired. So, close your left nose and use your right nose for breathing, you will get refresh quickly.

This can be taught to kids, but the effect will be better if apply by elders.
I used to have headache, it was so painful. I did take medicine, but that is not a good way.
One night, I sit down and close my right nose and breathe with left nose, less than one week, my headache problem is gone! I continue to do it one month, from that night until today, headache does not attack me anymore.

This is what I experienced myself, I told others, if headache, can try this way, because this is effective for me.
Many people have tried and it works for them as well. This is a natural therapy, not like medicine, taking for long term will get side effect. So, why not try it out?
Always breathing your body can feel very relax. -Anonymous



其實不一樣 ,可以感覺不一樣;右邊等於是太陽的意思,左邊等於是月亮. 平常頭痛時可以用手把右邊鼻孔關起來,只用左邊鼻孔吸氣、吐氣,約五分鐘, 頭痛就好了。

如果疲倦、累了,相反的關起左邊的鼻孔,只用右邊吸氣、吐氣,不用多久,馬上 精神好起了。 因為右邊屬於火氣,比較會熱,左邊比較會涼。


如果左邊比較快,覺得提不起精神,可以關起左邊鼻孔,用右邊呼吸,很快的精神會好來。 這也可以教給小孩,大人用更好。如果你有警覺心的話,速度更快。

以前我曾經頭痛,痛得非常厲害。 當時每天晚上都頭痛,沒有辦法看書,有吃藥,也不是辦法。 有一天晚上靜坐,關起右鼻孔呼吸,這樣子做,不到一個禮拜,頭痛好了!持續做了一個月,從那天晚上到現在,一次也沒有頭痛過。

這是我自己親身經驗過,每一次我告訴別人,你們頭痛的話,試試看,因為我的身體有果,很多人試過也有效果。這是一種自然的處理,不像吃藥會有副作用,為什麼不用呢? 經常清楚的吸氣、吐氣,身體會覺非常輕鬆。-Anonymous

Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Extra Crispy Plastic Coated Fried Snacks

The News Straits Times Press has published the article “Scare Over Coated Snacks” on 29th February 2008.

Below are the stories that were sent out through email warning people to keep away from consuming extra crispy fried snacks or even chicken.

Story 1:

It happened in PERLIS (titi chai kangar..the pasar malam area where GORENG PISANG are sold in the afternoon .

Mom said, my uncle saw the GORENG PISANG hawker added plastic straw (for drinking water) into hot oil (and it melted) before he fried the GORENG PISANG, that is why GORENG PISANG, UBI, CRISPY BUTTER PRAWN etc all are very crispy for hours....
And, my uncle asked the hawker and he kept quite. And when my uncle told my mom, they realized that this is how fried fritters are crispy for a while. My mom said that in Thailand they do the same to keep the fried food crispy e.g.: ikan bilis, fried onions, Thai fried banana. Which if you leave them in the open air for hours still crispy.

Story 2

I was with my family Cameron Highlands. It was 3 pm and we were hanging around a market area. We saw many hawker stalls, suddenly something attracted my one of the stalls, and there was a big wok of boiling oil with a half-5-litre empty oil bottle in it. The plastic bottle melted slowly in the hot oil. At first I thought it was an unintentional act by a 7-yr-old girl ....but when I looked closely, I saw she was holding a pair of chopsticks and stirring the bottle. It appears the act was intentional...oh my God ... these people are using melted plastic to fry that the tit bits will not go soft when it cooled due to plastic.

Please share this web page with all your friends in Malaysia and Thailand.


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