Wednesday, December 31, 2008








Sunday, December 28, 2008

Papaya Leave Juice - Cure for Dengue Fever

There is no medicine to cure dengue fever. What you can rely on is only your immune system. Doctors will normally advise dengue patients to take more fruits to boost up the immune system to recover from the dengue fever.
In this case, I believe papaya leave juice shall be the most appropriate juice to help in fighting the dengue virus.
Below are 2 stories explain how papaya leave juice help the dengue patients as well as the method of preparing it.

Story 1
I would like to share this interesting discovery from a classmate's son who has just recovered from dengue fever. Apparently, his son was in the critical stage at the ICU when his blood platelet count drops to 15 after 15 litres of blood transfusion.

His father was so worried that he seeks another friend's recommendation and his son was saved. He confessed to me that he gave his son raw juice of the papaya leaves. From a platelet count of 45 after 20 liters of blood transfusion, and after drinking the raw papaya leaf juice, his platelet count jumps instantly to 135. Even the doctors and nurses were surprised. After the second day he was discharged. So he asked me to pass this good news around.

Accordingly it is raw papaya leaves, 2pcs just cleaned and pound and squeeze with filter cloth. You will only get one tablespoon per leaf. So two tablespoon per serving once a day. Do not boil or cook or rinse with hot water, it will loose its strength. Only the leafy part and no stem or sap. It is very bitter and you have to swallow it like "Won Low Kat". But it works.

Story 2
You may have heard this elsewhere but if not I am glad to inform you that papaya juice is a natural cure for dengue fever. As dengue fever is rampant now, I think it's good to share this with all.

A friend of mine had dengue last year. It was a very serious situation for her as her platelet count had dropped to 28,000 after 3 days in hospital and water has started to fill up her lung. She had difficulty in breathing. She was only 32-year old. Doctor says there's no cure for dengue. We just have to wait for her body immune system to build up resistance against dengue and fight its own battle. She already had 2 blood transfusion and all of us were praying very hard as her platelet continued to drop since the first day she was admitted.

Fortunately her mother-in-law heard that papaya juice would help to reduce the fever and got some papaya leaves, pounded them and squeeze the juice out for her. The next day, her platelet count started to increase, her fever subside. We continued to feed her with papaya juice and she recovered after 3 days!!!

Amazing but it's true. It's believed one's body would be overheated when one is down with dengue and that also caused the patient to have fever papaya juice has cooling effect. Thus, it helps to reduce the level of heat in one's body, thus the fever will go away. I found that it's also good when one is having sore throat or suffering from heat.

Please spread the news about this as lately there are many dengue cases.. It's great if such natural cure could help to ease the sufferings of dengue patients.

Furthermore it's so easily available.
Blend them and squeeze the juice! It's simple and miraculously effective!

Sunday, December 21, 2008

Skin Whitening

What is skin whitening? In the history of Japan, geishas are known for their painted white skin which represents beauty, grace and high social status. In today’s changing modern society, the perception of fairer skin is evolving, where some say fair skin is white skin while others would argue that fair skin is just that: fair skin.

But how does one get fairer skin then? Do you hide under the shade? Apply skin whitening products? Or do you make your own remedy? In the world today, skin whitening products are available in various forms. Be it creams, soaps, pills and lotions, all of them serve only one purpose, to help our skin become fairer. There are of course simple remedies and courses that can be taken to whiten our skin.
Source: Health care booklet from Guardian pharmacy
Marco's comment:
It is true that fair skin somehow looks better, provided you looks healthy as well.

Friday, December 05, 2008







• 半月痕少至無
• 臟腑功能低,氣血運行慢所以容易疲勞以及精神不振,但卻嗜睡
• 面色蒼白,手腳冰冷,容易感冒
• 气滞血瘀,痰湿停滞,痰湿结节
• 消化不良,吸收能力差,體質下降

• 凡小指都有半月痕。
• 半月痕大于指甲的五分之一
• 體内陽氣較旺,臟腑功能較強所以體質較好
• 但是因爲陽氣較旺盛,所以有面紅的跡象,容易上火煩躁,便秘、口干、食量大
• 手腳不怕冷,好動
• 血壓高,血糖高,易中風

• 半月痕的边界模糊不清、颜色逐渐接近甲体颜色者,属寒热交
• 错或阴阳失调。
• 初期:半月痕边缘开始不清,如放光芒状
• 中期:半月痕开始缩小
• 后期:半月痕逐渐减少并消失

1. 奶白色 - 正常,精力強壯,體質好
2. 灰色 - 精弱,脾胃消化吸收功能不好,容易貧血+疲倦
3. 粉紅色 - 臟腑功能下降,體力消耗過大,容易引起糖尿病、甲肮等病症
4. 紫色 - 容易引起心脑血管血液循环不良,供血供氧不足,易头晕、头痛、脑动脉硬化
5. 黑色 - 多见于严重的心脏病、肿瘤或长期服药引起药物和重金属中毒

• 肺脾
• 呈粉红色时,表示胰脏机能不良,容易感冒、反复感冒、疲劳,严重时易患糖尿
• 病

• 肠胃
• 呈粉红色时,表示胃、大肠的循环不良,食欲自然减退

• 心包经、神志
• 呈粉红色时,表示精神过度紧张,易头晕、头痛、思路不清、脑涨、失眠、多梦

• 内分泌
• 呈粉红色时,表示运行于无名指的三焦经发生异常,易体质下降、阴阳失调,人容
• 易有种说不出的不舒服感,女性会得月经不调等妇科病

• 心肾
• 小指一般很难长出半月痕,出现时,多为热症
• 呈红色时,易患严重的心脏病

如何再次長出半月痕?半月痕和身體的精髓元氣大有關聯。而以中醫學來説元氣是用來濡养全身五脏六腑以及推動五臟六腑的氣血運行,進而增強免疫功能以及长寿抗衰老物质。所以,儅一個人精力不足時,最先要補充的就是蛋白質。當然,如果能適時地補充其他的維他命和礦物質是對身體更加的好!而優質的蛋白質為中性為好,比如, 蛋類、豆類、魚類、黑色性食物(補腎)、种籽性食物、胚胎性食物等。堅持一、兩個月以後,就可以看到半月痕的出現了。


Shaken Baby Syndrome

Nowadays, majority of the couples (husbands and wives) need to go out to work to survive the family. The babies and children are sent to baby care centres or the responsibilities of mothers have been passed on to the maids or paid baby sitters.

Below is an article from a forwarded email that may inspire us to change our social lifestyle to give better attention to our next generation especially while they are still a baby or young child.

December 4th, 2007, Jessica Sherwood had to do something no mother should ever have to do. At 2:29 pm Jessica made a very tough, but the right decision to take her little 3 month old daughter off life support.

In memory of little London Marie, i thought id start a little forward.
Jessica had a message that i want every one to know.
This is what Jessica said:

"If anyone has kids, make sure that you keep them with you the whole time. Don't give then to anyone that you don't trust. Trust me, I thought that I trusted Josh. But now as of December 4, 2007 at 2:29 AM, she is gone. My one & only baby and he is going to pay forever, even if he gets out of jail scott free, he will be punished no matter what. And to all my friends that know London , I am very angry & upset that I lost the love of my life, my babygirl. She passed away on her three month birthday .

London had six fractured ribs, both of her legs were fracture, & her brain was so damaged that if she were to live she would be a vegetable. So I did what was right & what was best for her & took her off life support.

That's what you call Shaken Baby Sydrome [SBS]"

For those of you who dont know what Shaken Baby Syndrome check out the facts ;
-Shaking, jerking and jolting can cause blood vessels in the head to tear or burst.
Shaken Baby Syndrome is the shaking of an infant or child by the arms, legs, or shoulders with or without impact of the head.

This trauma can result in bleeding and brain injury with no outward signs of abuse. Often frustrated caregivers feel that shaking a baby or small child is a harmless way to make the child stop crying. However, a baby's brain and blood vessels are vulnerable to whiplash motions, such as shaking, jerking, jolting, and impact.

The neck muscles of an infant or small child are weak, so the child's head is relatively heavy and the neck cannot support the stress of shaking or impact.

Shaking a very young child, with or without impact of the head, can cause irreversible brain damage, blindness, cerebral palsy, hearing loss, spinal cord injury, seizures, learning disabilities, and even death.

It is tragic that healthy, intelligent babies are suffering these disabilities simply because their caregivers don't know about the dangers associated with Shaken Baby Syndrome.

An estimated 1,200 to 1,400 cases of Shaken Baby Syndrome (SBS) occur each year in the United States .

Only 1 out of 4 babies pass away of Shaken Baby Syndrome. However, the other three babies will need ongoing medical attention for the rest of their short lifespans.

Saturday, November 29, 2008

血型VS 疾病

平時不易生病,但與肉瘤、食道癌、胃癌、舌癌等有緣。尤其是胃癌, 多見於A型的人。國內統計,胃癌患者比其他血型的人高 25% ,且病變多發生在胃竇部。因此, 有必要提醒A型的人如有胃部不適, 或已診斷有病, 尤其是萎縮性胃炎, 應儘早根治。

易患結核病,較少患B 型肝炎,即使不幸傳染上,病情也較輕。但B型的人, 患乳腺癌、白血病、口腔癌的比例要高於其他血型的人。此外, B 型的人還容易患齲齒。

較易患精神分裂症, 患病率比其他血型的人高3倍多。精神分裂症有明顯的遺傳傾向。在缺血性心臟病中, AB 型患者也較多。但 AB 型血的人患結核病、妊娠貧血的比例, 比其他血型的人要低。

O 型的人:
較易生病,但壽命較長。易神經過敏,常有腸、胃疾患。還有人認為 O 型婦女妊娠中毒者較多,且與新生兒溶血病的關係密切, O 型人易患胃潰瘍、十二指腸潰瘍。

: 避免食用奶製品和肉類~55%蔬菜、 20%水果、20%五榖堅果、 5%蛋與海鮮。
B型: 不適合吃雞肉~ 55%蔬菜、 10%水果、15%根莖類、 10 %堅果雜糧、10%蛋與羊奶。
AB型:盡量避免吃雞肉、牛肉~55 %各式蔬果、5 %水果、 15 %根莖類蔬菜、15%堅果雜糧、 10%蛋與羊奶類。
O 型 :不建議長期吃素~ 75%蔬菜、10 %水果、 10 %肉類/ 海鮮/ 羊奶、5 %五榖堅果。

早上04 :00- 中午 12 :00
中午 12 :00- 晚上8 :00
晚上8: 00- 早上04 :00
2. 薑母
3. 杏仁
4. 蕃茄
6. 甜菜根
7. 芹菜
8. 草莓
10. 芝麻
1. 茯苓:抗腫瘤
2. 山藥:抑制乳癌細胞
3. 芡實:益腎補脾、滋養強壯
4. 蓮子:可抑制鼻咽癌
1. 梨:生津、清熱、潤燥
2. 山楂:活血化瘀,抑制癌細胞
3. 大棗:含三萜類化合物,可抗癌
4. 香蕉:富含微量元素,能防癌
5. 百合:含秋水仙鹼,具抗腫瘤效果

2. 苜蓿芽 1 杯、豆芽菜半杯
4. 紅色包心菜1/8 個
5. 檸檬 1 個、紅番茄 2個
6.紅色馬士丁葡萄 10 粒
7. 蒸餾水 2杯
8. 老薑5 片、堅果 5 粒
9. 亞麻子油 2匙
10.蜂花粉2匙、輔酶 Q10 3粒
11. 九層塔8 葉、巴西利 5 支

1. 所有食材洗淨, 紅色甜菜根去皮, 紅色包心菜切塊狀, 不去心, 胡蘿蔔切塊備用。
2. 檸檬削去外皮, 保留白色纖維和果肉, 不去籽, 蕃茄切塊。
3. 把蒸餾水倒入三匹馬力以上的蔬果機內, 再加蔬果及配料, 一同攪打成汁, 即可。

1. 蕃茄1個、紅蘿蔔1條
2. 甜菜根1個、苜蓿芽 1把
4. 嫩菠菜、西洋菜
6. 香菜、薄荷葉
7. 葡萄、蘋果
9. 亞麻子、南瓜子
11. 橄欖油2-3湯匙
12. 芝麻粉、亞麻子粉2小匙
13. 蜂花粉2小匙
14. 黑胡椒、海鹽水1/4小匙
15. 檸檬2個擠汁

Saturday, November 08, 2008



我只好無奈說:「蚊子真的好多哦!市面上賣的防蚊液每家都說很天然,但裡頭還是參了一些化學成份,雖然我有買了一瓶, 但最後還是沒在用。」

老闆就教我一個最天然、最安全、最古老的方法。 他說,他們常常去爬山什麼的,山上蚊子很多,但是只要用一滴麻油滴在手上,兩隻手抹一下,拍打在寶寶手上和腳上,最後手上沒油了,但還有麻油的味道,就輕輕拍一下寶寶的臉上,爬一個山下來,蚊子都躲的遠遠的哦!


哇~~天啊!居然發現有 3 隻蚊子一直想咬兒子,但卻只敢在旁邊飛來飛去,兒子身邊突然好像多了一層防護罩耶! 蚊子僵持了 5 分鐘還在飛, 但就是不敢靠近,最後居然跑來咬我這在旁邊試驗的爸爸,因為我沒擦, 真的有效耶!

好高興哦! 現在弄了一個小瓶子, 隨身帶著, 且只要一滴麻油哦! 弄上身體一點都不油, 且有香香的麻油味。


Wednesday, November 05, 2008

How to reduce the discomfort from dry eye?

-Good hydration: Drink plenty of water, reduce caffeine intake.
-Protect the eyes from harsh weather conditions like wind and dust.
-Environmental control (minimize impact of heat and air-conditioning by turning down, redirecting vents, etc.)
- Avoid smoky environments or quitting smoking if you smoke.
- Identify and replace (if possible) medications which are causing exacerbating dry eye.
-When watching TV, using the computer or other eye straining activities, take breaks.
- Make a conscious effort to blink frequently- especially when reading.
- Eat healthy food containing eye nutrients especially with vitamin A, C and E.

Source: Health care booklet from Guardian pharmacy

Saturday, November 01, 2008

Bra & Breast Cancer Study (Brief)

These studies would have been most credible if it were not for the fact that several women including Linda McCartney who have been religious vegetarians and exercise- freaks have also been unfortunate in suffering breast cancer.

Perhaps the most convincing article I have ever read with regards to this matter is one which links breast cancer to the wearing of bras. In the "Bra and Breast Cancer Study" in the United States, It was discovered that women with breast cancer had a history of sporting tighter and longer bra-wearing than did the women who had not (yet) developed the disease.

In fact, virtually the entire cancer group wore bras over 12 hours. When a woman wears a tight bra, she subjects her breasts to pressure, closing off the lymphatic pathway from the breast to the nodes. This causes fluid built-up swelling, tenderness and cyst formation. Toxins must be flushed out via the lymphatic. However, a bra-constricted breast cannot adequately perform this cleansing process, resulting in toxin accumulation in the breast.

Truthfully, bras are creating droopy, weak breasts. The breast relies on the bras for artificial support; the body loses its ability to support the breast by itself. This is why many women feel uncomfortable without the bra.

What is the solution to breast cancer then? DON'T WEAR A TIGHT BRA! And maybe sleep without them.

There is a remarkable success rate for recovery from fibrocystic breast disease within 10 days to two weeks of going bra-free. Many women have tried going bra-less and recorded a miraculous improvement in their health! Bra burning is no longer a feminist issue. It is now a battle between life and death. We should make others more aware of the hazards of wearing them. -Anonymous

Wednesday, October 29, 2008

What treatments are available to treat dry eye symptoms?

For those patients with mild to moderate dry eyes the first course of treatment may be to use unpreserved artificial tears or rewetting drops as prescribed by the doctor. Depending on the nature of your tear film deficiency, the doctor may have you use a specific type of artificial tear that has different characteristics in terms of salt content and viscosity.

In addition to artificial tears, your doctor may suggest the need to switch to a less irritating or preservative free lens care system. These are specially formulated lens lubricating and rewetting drops specifically designed for contact lens wearers because other types of drops may contain ingredients that can damage the lens. Rewetting drops for contact lens wearers are usually not as thick as gels and are designed to provide relief and long-lasting lubrication to help retain moisture. Most doctors recommend preservative-free tears because they are the most soothing and have fewer additives that could potentially irritate the eye. Avoid products that are irritating to the eyes- they don’t have adequate lubricating qualities and often make the problem worse.

Protein removal is also an important issue, especially for patients with CLIDE. In heavily depositing persons with less frequently replaced lenses, regular enzyme treatments are advised. Daily wear lenses and daily disposables will be a good option. In severe cases, a reduced wearing schedule of daily-replaced lenses would be ideal. If optically viable, your doctor may consider changing your lens to a high water content lens that retains water in the lens matrix or an RGP lens with a low amount of silicone content.

In addition, your doctor may counsel you on environment factors and modifying the diet. Most likely you will be asked to drink plenty of water.

Marco’s comment:
If symptoms persists, it is advisable to opt for eyeglasses.

Source: Health care booklet from Guardian pharmacy

Monday, October 27, 2008

Plants for a healthier living

The side effects and dangers of air pollution are commonly known by the general public. However only a minority understands that indoor air pollution is at least 10 times higher than the outdoor, as shown by a research. Through experiments, it is proven that indoor gardening can effectively reduce or eliminate indoor air pollution.

Indoor sterilization

Plants absorb the toxic gasses, lampblack and radiation at home. Indoor plants help enhance ventilation and eliminate odour. A research by NASA shows that an indoor plant can eliminate 90% of formaldehyde in one cubic meter space. (Formaldehyde is commonly found in furniture, cigarettes, cosmetics, clothing and others. Pollution of formaldehyde can cause skin disease, skin cancer, discomfort of eyes, nose and throat, emotional instability, memory loss etc.)

Reduce indoor dust & micro-organism
Cilium, hair and mucus on plants are able to absorb the dust in air. Vapour from leaves through the process of respiration helps to increase moisture level and reduce room temperature. When dust integrates with vapour, the weight of that combination increases and causes the dust to subside. Thus, it is able to reduce the amount of dust in the air. Studies show that indoor planting reduces 20% to 70% of dust.

Ensure good indoor air ventilation
Carbon dioxide (CO2) released by plans at night is only 20% of the volume plants absorb in the day time. This shows that plants release a small amount of CO2 at night and it is not harmful to our health. However, there are some plants that absorb CO2 and release oxygen at night, such as the cactus and Sansevieria. These plants if place indoor will help regulate indoor air ventilation. -Baba

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

How are dry eyes diagnosed?

If you suspect you have dry eyes on wearing contact lenses, you should make an appointment to see your eye doctor. Your historical information gives the most reliable clues to the diagnosis of dry eyes. A careful examination of all the eye tissues usually provides more documentation for making a diagnosis.

While assessing for CLIDE your doctor will document your comprehensive contact lens history. He will evaluate whether the lens has been worn daily or extended overnight. Your doctor may need to ensure that you are not sleeping in lenses approved for daily wear, as this can lead to CLIDE. Environment factor such as humidity, closer to heating or air conditioning duct may aggravate CLIDE.

Your eyes may be examined using a special microscope called a slit lamp. The condition of the tear film (the layer of liquid) on your eyes is looked at, and the cornea (front of the eye) is checked to see if it has dried out, or has been damaged. Your doctor may also use different dyes to see if skin cells on the eye have worn away. The dye is put in your eye as an eye drop, and the dye will temporarily stain the eye where cells have worn away.

A test called the Schirmer test may also be carried out. A thin strip of filter paper is placed just inside the lower eyelid. After a few minutes, the paper is then removed to see how much liquid it has soaked up. Your doctor can then measure how dry your eyes are.
Source: Health care booklet from Guardian pharmacy

Saturday, October 18, 2008


中國毒奶粉的事件讓大家都很害怕每天看新聞報導,說法卻變來變去。沒有人清楚告訴我們到底什麼可以吃?什麼不能吃? 這時候該怎麼辦呢?


三聚氰胺」原本是做什麼用的呢? 它是一種工業原料主要是用來製作「美耐皿」碗盤。



2. 為什麼「三聚氰胺」會出現在奶粉裡?



2007年- 美國貓、狗暴斃,在中國製的寵物食品裡發現「三聚氰胺」。

2008年開始, 中國嬰兒腎結石病例異常增多。
2008年8月, 中國三鹿奶粉被檢驗出「三聚氰胺」。

2008年9月, 紐西蘭總理要求中國政府處理。
2008年9月21日, 台灣爆發多種食品含有「三聚氰胺」。



洗腎的地方長這樣子 。



大家只要記住:有「奶精」、「奶粉」的,都不能吃 6.毒奶事件影響到哪些廠商?下面這些,是毒奶事件爆發以來曾經被報導過,跟毒奶事件有關的廠商、產品。

另外,這些公司也受到影響:大潤發大賣場、亞信、佳美、上田、特順香、老大房、台威食品公司、高育生物科技公司、雲林北港宗泰食品、尚效、品高、久津、維益食品公司、真口味、維士比、盛發興實業、華盛食品、鴻寶食品、雀實食品、奕瑪國際行銷、寶佳宏企業、三錦企業、魏氏國際實業、國際儲貿、萬記貿易、力遠貿易、丞泰企業、昱彰公司、麒林公司、同興實業、英時公司、菲仕蘭、開元 如果你有親友在中國大陸,必須注意的廠商有:河北三鹿集團、上海熊貓可寶牌、青島聖元牌、山西古城牌、江西光明英雄牌、陝西寶雞惠明牌、內蒙古蒙牛牌、天津多加多可淇牌、廣東雅士利牌、湖南南山倍益牌、黑龍江齊寧牌、山西雅士利牌、深圳金必氏牌、廣州施恩牌、廣州金鼎牌、內蒙古伊利牌、山東煙台澳美多牌、青島愛可丁牌、陝西西安御寶牌、山東煙台磊磊牌、上海寶安力牌、福建福鼎市晨冠牌。



這就是謝莉 • 克羅得乳腺癌的原因。 她在上艾倫的節目裡提到這是千真萬確的事情。這已經被鑑定是罹患乳腺癌裡的高危險因素中最常見的原因了, 尤其是在澳洲地區。

有位朋友的母親最近才被診斷出乳腺癌。 醫生告訴她︰婦女實在不應該喝留放在汽車裡的瓶裝水。

這醫生還說熱能和塑膠瓶子兩者遇在一起就會產生化學物質 , 而那些將會導致人們罹患乳腺癌。因此請小心並且千萬不要喝留放在車子裡頭的瓶裝水 . 請把這信息傳遞給你生命中的所有女性親友。這是一則或許可以拯救一個生命的訊息 , 我們不只應該知道, 而且要多加小心。

熱能釋放出塑膠裡的有毒物質後 , 這些物質就滲入到了水裡頭,而人們的胸部組織裡頭竟然就發現了這種毒素。所以如果可以的話,切記改用不鏽鋼杯或是玻璃瓶。

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

What makes dry eyes worse?

“Patients with dry eyes may complain of anything from irritation, itching, and burning to blurred vision and even excessive tearing.”

Symptoms tend to increase from morning to evening; i.e. the longer the person wears the lenses throughout the day; the more likely he or she is to have dry eyes complaints. Dry eyes can also be made worse by: windy weather, which dries out the eyes further, tobacco smoke; low humidity; air-conditioning or when you blink less often. Medications such as anti-histamines, anti-depressants, sleeping bills, diuretics or beta-blockers decrease tear production and may aggravate symptoms.

Source: Health care booklet from Guardian pharmacy

What are the symptoms of dry eyes?

If you wear contact lenses, you may find they become uncomfortable. Both eyes are usually affected. Symptoms include:

- Irritation in the eyes.
- The eyes may feel sandy or gritty.
- Foreign body sensation, burning, and/ or itching.
- Slight blurring of vision from time to time.
- Light sensitivity.
- Excessive tearing.

Will dry eye affect eye sight?
Dry eye on its own should have no effect on vision; it does not cause permanent sight loss. There may be some temporary blurring of vision but this is normally relieved by blinking.

Source: Health care booklet from Guardian pharmacy

Wednesday, October 08, 2008

Understanding contact lens induced dry eyes

The two types of contact lenses most often used today are soft lenses and rigid gas permeable (RGP) lenses. The softness in a contact lens comes from the amount of water that the lenses contain, and they feel pliable rather than hard. Because they provide more oxygen to the eye, people usually find them comfortable right away. RGP lenses are hard lenses that let in at least as much oxygen as do soft lenses.

A contact lens placed on the eye does not merely rest on top of the tear film but is immersed within it. The cornea, which usually receives direct oxygen from the atmosphere, now gets only diffused airing. Correct design and fitting of the lenses are essential for comfort, safety and accurate correction. Improvements in contact lenses have made them more comfortable and easier to wear.

People suffering from CLIDE usually have adequate tear quantity and quality under normal condition, however when eye is stressed- in this case, by the introduction of contact lens, may experience a symptomatic dry eye state. It is also believed that contact lens across the surface of the cornea may result in a less stable tear film and contact lens induced dry eye symptoms. A RGP lenses especially reduces blink rate leading to enhancing evaporation and leading to dry eyes. Contact lens induced dry eye also occurs in some people who may have had a marginally dry eye before they were fit with contact lenses or may actually be the result of contact lens wear.

Will dry eye affect eye sight?
Dry eye on its own should have no effect on vision; it does not cause permanent sight loss. There may be some temporary blurring of vision but this is normally relieved by blinking.

Marco’s comment:
Working class works 5 days a week and 8 hours a day, with consideration of travelling hours, one may have wear a contact lens for continuous more than 8 hours per day for 5 days in a week.

If you have dry eyes problem, try not wearing contact lens for more than continuously 4 hours a day.

Source: Health care booklet from Guardian pharmacy

Saturday, October 04, 2008

Stool flow interrupted

Regular bowel movement is the comfortable passage (without straining) of well-formed stools (neither too hard, nor too soft) once every day or every two to three days without the use of laxatives, or other interventions.

Bowel function is unique and varies from individual to individual. Some people move their bowels three times a day, others three times a week. But there are many who suffer from difficult bowel movement and become constipated.

For most of us, constipation is commonly caused by a lack of fibre in the diet. For others, it may result from repeatedly ignoring the urge to go and holding the stool in.

People who ignore the urge may eventually stop feeling it, which can lead to constipation.

Some people delay having a bowel movement because they do not want to use toilets outside the home. Others ignore the urge because of emotional stress or because they are too busy.

Children may postpone a bowel movement because of stressful toilet training or because they do not want to interrupt their play.

Generally, there are six factors leading to constipation:

Not enough liquids
Liquids like water and juice add fluid to the colon and bulk to the stool, making the stool softer and easier to pass. Without adequate fluid intake, stool becomes hard and constipation is more likely to occur.

Lack of exercise
Exercise and movement stimulate bowel activity and helps to maintain colon muscle tone. Lack of it can lead to constipation.

Pain medications (especially narcotics), antacids that contain aluminium, antidepressants, iron supplements and diuretics can slow the passage of bowel movements.

Irritable bowel syndrome
Many people with irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), also known as spastic colon, have irregular bowel movements. Constipation and diarrhoea often alternate, and abdominal cramping, gassiness, and bloating are common complaints.

Changes in life or routine
During pregnancy, women may be constipated due to hormonal changes or the heavy uterus compressing the intestine. Ageing may also affect bowel regularity because of a slower metabolism results in less intestinal activity and muscle tone. In addition, travelling sometimes disrupts bowel movement due to a change in diet and not drinking enough water.

Abuse of laxatives
Serious abuse of stimulant laxatives, especially among older adults who are preoccupied with having a daily bowel movement, can lead to constipation and other complications.

Laxatives are usually prescribed by doctors only after considering the patient’s medical history, medications one may be taking, and other health conditions the patient may have.

Doctors prescribe laxatives either to solve a medical symptom or to prepare for a medical exam such as colonoscopy. However, it does not solve the root cause of the problem.

Laxatives can promote dependency especially when used long term. It can also cause imbalances in bodily fluids that may lead to other complications.

Over time, stimulant laxatives can damage nerve cells in the colon and interfere with its natural ability to contract.

Six muscular actions play a part in fluid absorption, particle cohesion, stool formation, stool transit, and stool passage (defecation). If these muscles become weak, stool transit is slowed.

The colon can become insensitive, intestinal motivity can slow, normal processes fail, and chronic constipation can develop.

Excessive use may lead to abdominal pain, intestinal bleeding, headaches, dehydration, weight loss and even damage to other organs.

Other reported side effects are confusion, irregular heartbeat, muscle cramps, skin rash, unusual tiredness or weakness, belching, cramping, diarrhoea and nausea.

When it comes to choosing a detoxification product, one should avoid those with harsh laxatives such as senna leaves, cascara sagrada and ‘ma huang’.

Use of senna and sennosides come with a higher risk of water loss, which could easily be misconstrued as weight loss.

There are easier ways to get your bowel moving regularly. Moderate exercise is helpful for maintaining regularity and good health. Also respond when nature calls quickly as possible.

If you are not getting the urge, try going to the toilet 45 minutes after every meal. Get comfortable and gently massage your abdomen with your palm in a circular motion to encourage flow.

Fast facts to know why do we get dry eyes?

The name “dry eye” can be a little confusing since one of the most common symptoms is excessive watering of the eyes! It makes more sense, though, when you learn that the eye makes two different types of tears. The first type, called lubricating tears, is produced slowly and steadily throughout the day. Lubricating tears contain a precise balance of mucous, water, oil, nutrient proteins, and antibodies that nourish and protect the front surface of the eye.

The second type of tear, called a reflex tear, does not have much lubricating value. Reflex tears serve as a kind of emergency response to flood the eye when it is suddenly irritated or injured. Reflex tears might occur when you get something in your eye, when you’re cutting onions, when you’re around smoke, or when you accidentally scratch your eye. Another cause of reflex tearing is irritation of the eye from lack if lubricating tears. If your eye is not producing enough lubricating tears, you may have dry eye.

Hormonal changes due to aging and menopause, thyroid problems and vitamin deficiencies can contribute to increasing dry eyes. Some diseases and conditions- like rheumatoid arthritis, menopause, lupus and Sjögren’s Syndrome- also cause dry eye in many patients.

Source: Health care booklet from Guardian pharmacy

Wednesday, October 01, 2008

Pinhole Eyeglasses

Prescription spectacle had come to my life since I was just 7-year-old due to Myopia (near sightedness) and astigmatism. Childhood likes computing, watching TV, video gaming, reading and writing has worsened my eyes condition.

My eyes sights were further worsened during my college time where in order to meet the assignments, projects and thesis submission deadlines; we were focusing at the computer screen in long hour days and nights.

Thus, I am very keen in finding ways and means to improve my eyes condition. Efforts that I have put in includes minimise activities like watching television, do not read in the dark, wearing computer lenses and massaging my eyes.

But all the efforts can’t really help much due to city lifestyle. As working adult, our eyes are focusing at the computer screen during working hour. Back from work, majorities of the city folks will further strained our eyes starring at television screen, computer monitor, reading, and so forth.

Even with prescription eyeglasses, we feel tired after reading newspaper or watching TV screen because constant close up focusing causes the strain at our eyes. This answers that why after reading newspaper, we tend to fall asleep easier. It is because our eyes are constantly stressed during the reading activity.

Now, we have an alternative that allow us to read, write, play video game, computing and watching television without stressing our eyes. I have got myself a pair of pinhole eyeglasses a week ago; I uses the pinhole glasses to watch television, blogging and reading newspaper.

To my surprise, even without the prescription eyeglasses my vision is perfect with the pinhole glasses. Besides, I feel very relax after reading, watching television and computing. In the past, I just feel tired and my eyes were strained after these activities.

It is a good start indeed, hopefully in long run; the pinhole glasses could make positive correction on my myopia and astigmatism condition.

Monday, September 29, 2008



沒錯,以前修microbiology 時,在顯微鏡下, 看過蔥管內有好多噁心的虫虫..蛋蛋...。

還有:香菜也是(常見大量 fungus), 而且與香菜同保存的食物也會遭到染污 ,而且更噁''''。



中國人愛吃脆皮烤鴨, 往往將脆皮烤鴨肉包著生的青蔥段裹著甜麵醬吃; 吃炒米粉、貢丸湯、肉羹湯、麵湯、餛飩湯、火鍋料理、 燒烤料理及魚肉料理時,也免不了要來點兒青蔥花提味。

中國人生吃青蔥的機會實在太多了, 麵攤、火鍋店,各個餐廳? VIP房裡索性就擺一大碗青蔥花,讓消費者自行取用, 但是,愛吃青蔥花的人在下箸前可得三思了, 因為美國食品藥物管理局日前呼籲消費者注意, 最近數起 A型肝炎的食品中毒事件,禍首竟然是青蔥。

A型肝炎病毒是一種肝臟疾病, 通常在感染A型肝炎病毒六週後會有症狀, 輕微者是發燒、腹瀉、噁心、嘔吐、無食慾、腹痛、 疲倦、皮膚變黃。嚴重者則引發為肝臟疾病。

美國食品藥物管理局建議消費者應將青蔥放入鍋中加蓋完全煮熟,或在烹煮魚、肉類或其他料理放入青蔥時,也應將青蔥完全煮熟後再吃, 以降低罹患 A型肝炎的風險。

美國食物管理局(FDA - U.S. Food and Drug Administration) 網站上所公佈的警告。

Saturday, September 27, 2008

Air out your car before turning on air conditioner

According to research done by a U.C., the car dashboard, sofa, air freshener will emit Benzene, a cancer causing toxin (carcinogen). In addition to causing cancer, it poisons your bones, causes anemia, and reduces white blood cells. Prolonged exposure will cause Leukemia, increasing the risk of cancer. May also cause miscarriage.

Acceptable Benezene level indoors is 50 mg per sq. ft. A car parked indoors with the windows closed will contain 400-800 mg of Benezene. If parked outdoors under the sun at a temperature above 60 degrees F, the Benezene level goes up to 2000-4000 mg, 40 times the acceptable level. The people inside the car will inevitably inhale an excess amount of the toxin.

It is recommended that you open the windows and door to give time for the interior to air out before you enter. Benzene is a toxin that affects your kidney and liver, and is difficult for your body to expel.

Monday, September 22, 2008


雖然睡了很長一段時間,但早晨還是起不來,頭昏腦脹的,這就表示前一天的疲勞還沒完全的清除。要想活得久、還要活得好,一定要記得「今天的疲勞, 今天消除」!針對身體不同器官不同部位,消除疲勞各有方法,但就整體來說, 排便和脹氣,是非常基本又重要的兩件大事。



Saturday, September 20, 2008

Be aware of your own breasts

Start routine breast self examinations as early as 20 years of age especially if you have a family history of breast cancer (grandmother, mother, aunt, sister). You need to examine your breasts two to three days after the end of your period every month. Look out for:
-Lumps or any change in breast size or shape
-Swelling, redness and warmth or dimpling of the skin
-Nipple discharge
-Pain that isn’t related to your menstrual cycle

For the correct technique on how to do a breast self examination, do consult your doctor or you can get tips from the Breast Cancer Welfare Association at (+603-7949 2093).

Choosing a doctor whom you are comfortable with
Women must see their family doctor or gynaecologist regularly, at least once a year for all important PAP smear and breast examination. Early detection of gynaecological related cancers can save your life. The choice of a male or female doctor is entirely up to you- most importantly, he or she must make you feel comfortable.

When you do visit your doctor be sure be enquire about which test you should do (depending on your age, risk factors, family history etc).

Source: Health care booklet from Guardian pharmacy


飲 茶 防 癌:

運 動 防 癌:

戒 煙 防 癌 :
煙中許多化學成分和放射性元素都能致癌. 尤易導致肺癌

歡 笑 防 癌 :
日本專家對觀看喜劇合相生表演的79名癌症病人進行了血樣測定. 發現病人在笑過之後.體內天然殺傷癌細胞的活性物質大大提高

開 窗 防 癌 :

睡 眠 防 癌 :

防 輻 射 致 癌 :

防 肥 胖 致 癌 :

樂 觀 防 癌 :
勤 排 尿 防 癌 :
排尿可引起一系列肌肉運動及其相 觀反射.加速腸內廢物的清除改變飲食防癌 :有關研究結果發現.單一不變得飲食習慣可以促使癌變早發... 因故定不變的飲食結構和偏愛某些特有的有毒物質.甚至是致癌物質

吃大豆防癌 :
美國有關研究人員的最新研究顯示..大豆是抗癌首要選食品. 因為大豆中的特殊成分--異黃酮.可斷絕為癌細胞提供(養料)的通路

常吃蔬菜防癌 :
蔬菜中的葉綠素銅鈉鹽是有效的抗誘變劑. 具有抗癌作用. 蔬菜中還有大量維生素C. 能阻斷亞硝胺形成

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

What is a urinary tract infection (UTI) and what causes it?

Urinary tract infection is the term given to an infection in any part of the urinary system. UTI occurs when part of the urinary tract becomes infected, usually with bacteria, and is common in women who are sexually active. The most common type of UTI is known as cystitis (inflammation of the bladder). It has been estimated that one third of women experience the symptoms of cystitis at some point in their life.

What are its symptoms?
When you have a UTI, the bladder and the lining of the urethra become red and inflamed. Common symptoms related to UTIs may include:

- A burning sensation or lower abdominal discomfort when you pass urine.
- Needing to urinate urgently.
- Passing urine much more frequently than usual
- “Leaking” urine.
- Feeling an urge to urinate, but being unable to or only passing a few drops.
- Foul smelling urine.
- Urine that is cloudy, bloody or dark.
- Having a temperature.

You can do your part to prevent UTIs by:

- Drinking lots of water.
- Urinating as soon as you feel the need- don’t hold it.
- Make sure you have adequate lubrication during sex, and urinate after having sex.
- Take vitamin C or cranberry juice- they are said to be urinary antiseptics.
- Keep your intimate area clean and dry because dampness promotes bacterial growth.
- Try using panty liners with antibacterial properties.
- Cleanse your intimate area daily with a mild a pH-balanced solution.
Source: Health care booklet from Guardian pharmacy

Monday, September 15, 2008



三十多年前有一位服務於公賣局台北啤酒廠的張先生,參加該啤酒場選派技術人員到國外深造的考試,以優異的成績及格。 在出國前經某公立醫院體檢發現,罹患有像小孩拳頭大小的肺部腫瘤,因而不能出國。



魏姓同學便利用星期日趕到台北和張先生見面, 張先生向魏同學詳述相關絕望的詳情和悲觀感受,並請位同學協助其後事,恰逢魏同學與前任馬偕醫院院長1949-55年專精於癌症臨床研究的呂革令博士係知交好友。

當即建議前往訪求呂博士醫治,起初張先生說不願再看醫生,以免徒增傷悲; 但魏同學說先前已以電話請教過呂博士並安排好時間,張先生只好偕同前往呂博士住處造訪。



呂博士又說:「人類醫治癌症到目前為止只有兩條路,第一條路是消滅病源,第二條路是增加抵抗力。 但很奇怪的是,癌無論用鈷60或其他藥物去消滅癌細胞,可是癌細胞還沒被消滅,好的細胞卻先被殺死。另無論用什麼營養、補藥,好的細胞還未吸收,癌細胞卻先吸收、讓癌長得更快; 因此可說上述兩條路都行不通、所以叫絕症。」

呂博士又說:「人類的聰明連登陸月球也都已經成功,但為什麼沒有人去懷疑上述兩條治癌的路是在鑽牛角尖,另外找第三條路? 我以往在馬偕醫院做癌症临床實驗,並得院內各部同仁協助的機會,我發現癌症病人血液檢查的結果百分之百都是酸性反應。長期素食、且生活接近自然的佛寺僧尼,由於體質都偏屬優質弱鹼性,所以尚沒有發現罹患癌症的病例。因此我大膽的斷定在弱鹼性體質的狀態下,癌細胞是無法生長、甚至是無法生存的。 張先生我建議你從現在起少吃酸性的葷食類, 多吃鹼性食物,另外可吃綠藻和帶殼菱角湯, 改變你的體質,並勵行接近自然的良好生活規律; 如果五年內不死、你就沒問題了,祝福你。」

張先生依照呂博士的建議,認真改變吃的習慣, 每天又吃綠藻、喝菱角湯,樂觀加上每天適當的運動,一年後再到同一公立醫院檢查結果,發現腫瘤不但沒有長大、反而已呈現萎縮狀態,遂令醫院檢查人員驚為奇蹟,五年後竟完全處於萎縮、至近於消失狀態。


繼張先生之後,有位前台東省立醫院總務課長陳添壽先生,同樣得到肺癌; 魏先生得知後將張先生的經過轉告陳添壽先生,陳先生乃依照呂博士的建議進行改變體質,結果與張先生同樣癒癌症。

那時呂博士全家已移民美國,事後呂博士回來台灣再與魏先生見面時 魏先生將張先生和陳先生的經過告訴呂博士,並提議由他們倆位親自向呂博士陳述,請呂博士發表其改變體質之自療成果報告。



* 健康人的血液是成弱鹼性的,約是pH7.35~7.45左右

* 嬰兒也是屬於弱鹼性的體質
* 成長期的成人有體質酸化的現象






3. 稍做運動即感疲勞,一上公車便想睡覺。



6. 步伐緩慢、動作遲緩。


1. 過度攝取乳酸性食品

a) 肉類、乳酪製品與蛋、牛肉、火腿等皆屬於酸性食品。


c) 年輕力壯時吃適量的肉類是對的,但老年人則以蔬菜或小魚為宜。

2. 生活步調失常會造成酸性體質

a) 生活步調失常會造成精神與肉體的壓力。

b) 據統計,晚睡者罹患癌症的機率比正常人高出五倍。

c) 人類本來就活在節奏的世界裡,無法事先儲備睡眠或飲食,也不能日夜顛倒。


3. 情緒過於緊張

a) 文明社會會造成的壓力。

b) 工作上或精神上的壓力。

c) 當一個人承受精神壓力後,一旦緊張鬆弛,時會造成猝死,稱為潛在性副腎皮質機能不全症。

4. 肉體的緊張


b) 若發現病患臉部浮腫,需詳加詢問病史及服藥狀況,為長期服用腎上腺皮質賀爾蒙者,施以針灸要特別注意反應。

c) 勞動或運動過度,通宵打牌、開車等壓力都應盡量避免。

* 附錄:常見食物的酸鹼性






6. 強鹼性食品:葡萄、茶葉、葡萄酒、海帶芽、海帶等。尤其是天然綠藻富含葉綠素,是不錯的鹼性健康食品,而茶類不宜過量,最佳飲用時間為早上。

Sunday, September 14, 2008


吃草莓能培养耐心,因为它属于低矮草茎植物,生长过程中易受污染,因此,吃之前要经过耐心清洗:先摘掉叶子,在流水下冲洗,随后用盐水浸泡 5~ 10 分钟,最后再用凉开水浸泡 1~ 2 分钟。之后,你才可以将这粒营养丰富的 "活维生素丸 "吃下。

葡萄特别适合 "懒惰 " 的人吃,因为最健康的吃法是 "不剥皮、不吐籽 "。葡萄皮和葡萄籽比葡萄肉更有营养。红葡萄酒之所以比白葡萄酒拥有更好的保健功效,就是因为它连皮一起酿造。而法国波尔多大学的研究人员也发现,葡萄籽中含量丰富的增强免疫、延缓衰老物质,进入人体后有 85%被吸收利用。

梨是令人生机勃勃、精力十足的水果。它水分充足,富含维生素 a、 b 、c 、 d 、e 和微量元素碘,能维持细胞组织的健康状态,帮助器官排毒、净化,还能软化血管,促使血液将更多的钙质运送到骨骼。但吃梨时一定要细嚼慢咽才能较好的吸收。

柚子是保证人体健康,使心血管系统健康运转的水果。它含有的果胶能降低低密度脂蛋白,减轻动脉血管壁的损伤,维护血管功能,预防动脉硬化和心脏病。研究者还发现吃 8只柚子能明显促进运动中受伤的组织器官恢复健康。

每天吃少量的苹果就能预防多种疾病,还让人有饱腹感,不愧是水果中最务实的。美国癌症研究中心特别建议人们常吃苹果来预防癌症,因为其中含量丰富的 phytochemical天然抗氧化剂能够有效消除自由基,降低癌症发生率。


柠檬含有 "黄酮类 " ,可杀灭多种病原菌,并且富含柠檬酸及柠檬油精,有助于增加肝脏的酵素含量,加速分解致癌的化学物质,清除积存于肝脏内的杂质与毒素。







含有丰富的蛋白质和脂类,对机体有很好的补养作用,是良好的果品类营养来源。 榴莲有特殊的气味,不同的人感受不同,有的人认为其臭如猫屎,有的人认为香气馥郁。榴莲的这种气味有开胃、促进食欲之功效,其中的膳食纤维还能促进肠蠕动。


性温,味甘酸,能消暑止渴、清热润肺,有 "肺之果 " 之称,适宜肺病患者食用。桃子果实营养丰富,尤其铁的含量较丰富,是缺铁贫血患者的理想食疗佳果。此外,桃子含钾多,含钠少,适宜水肿患者食。炎夏食桃,可养阴生津,润肠燥。


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